October 23, 2009
Love the Learning. Build our Friendships. Live the Faith
Pinning Ceremony
We have an exciting new event coming up! On October 26th, we will be holding a “Pinning Ceremony” to celebrate the co-curricular activities in the school. At the ceremony we will be honoring all of those students that participate in our school co-curricular activities, such as Speech, Student Council, Math Counts, Safety Patrol, and our National Junior Honor Society and National Elementary Honor Society. The event will take place at 2:15 and is a school-wide event. Parents are welcome to attend and honor our incredible St. John’s students.
“America the Beautiful” FALL CONCERT
Our annual Patriotic concert will be held on November 11th at 6:30 PM in the church.
Please join us for this special patriotic salute to our Veterans. Grades 3-5 and Choir will each present
a medley of familiar tunes to honor America. The Band will be joining us as well.. Students need to wear red polo shirts, plaid skirts, and navy pants. We look forward to singing and playing for you! Mrs. Kula
Just a reminder, Box Tops and Campbell Soup Labels need to be brought into the classroom on Friday October 30th, to be included in this months totals. A new collection sheet will be added next month. Again, thank you for all your collecting. If you have questions, please contact Angie Luce (boxtops) cade9598@msn.com or Linda Nowak (labels) len6886@yahoo.com.
Our school has teamed up with Original Works – the #1 art based program in the country – to offer a very special program. This program allows you to have your child’s very own artwork reproduced onto a selection of over 20 quality products.
Your child can create their artwork on the 27 in October and we will meet in the art room from 6-8. This is a chance to work with your child and create together or even separately (you could do your own!!). You will then have the opportunity to order whatever products you wish with your child’s own artwork featured on each and every product. If you wish to take the paper and create it at home, please contact Mrs. Brown for the paper. The deadline for orders will be Oct. 29 and the order should be back by Dec. 14.
For more information, please contact Mrs. Brown our art teacher. 970.635.5868 brownch@saintjohns.net
PTO Updates:
Halloween Carnival is Saturday from 4-8pm! Be sure to bring your ghouls and goblins
The PTO Cookbook committee would like to thank all of the kids, teachers and parents for sending in all of your recipes. We have about 600 recipes going into the cookbook! The classroom that entered the most recipes was from Mrs. Martinek's class, therefore Mrs. Martinek will receive a free cookbook! Again, thanks for doing this. Now you can start making your list of the people you would like to give a cookbook to for Christmas!
Order Sally Foster from October 19 - October 30 and get FREE SHIPPING on any order! Forms and money are due Friday, October 30 and turn into teacher. Checks should be payable to St John's. Orders will be available for pick up on November 20th or sent home with the student in time for the holidays. After October 30th, we'll go to online ordering and orders can be subject to applicable taxes and shipping charges, if not over $70. So order in the next week and get FREE SHIPPING ON ALL ORDERS! Everyone needs wrapping paper for birthdays and holidays. Help support our school with this funraiser! Order this next week!
Sally Foster
Start Ordering Sally Foster online! It’s so simple
1. http://www.sallyfoster.com/
2. group account number 298763
3. click “online store”
4. Orders will be shipped directly to you 3-4 weeks after your order is placed.
5. Orders place from now until January 15, 2010, the school will start earning 50%
An effort is underway to get the Loveland High School pool reopened, and we need your help! To show our support for the pool, we're going to try to break the Guinness World Record for the most swimmers in a consecutive 24 hour relay. The relay is scheduled for November 6-7 at the Mountain View Aquatic Center in Loveland. It is FREE to swim on the relay, and you could become a real Guinness World Record Holder! To sign up, you can go to http://www.relayworldrecord.com/ and register online or print out the registration form.
God, our Father and Creator, be with us in our school.Help us to treasure your gift of life and treat one another with care.Let us always remember that we are all created in your image.Come, Lord Jesus, and be with us in our school.Guide our teachers, guide our parents, and lead our students to recognize you in all people.Come, Holy Spirit, and be with us in our school.Give us a vision for the future, and the determination for shaping a faith-filled future.
v Pray for Joshua Carlson the son of a former teacher Mrs. Carlson, who remains in ICU. Pray for his complete health recovery
v Pray for those who are struggling to find employment
v Please pray for the Crane, Crowley, Daws, DeMartine and Delich families
v Please pray for improved health for Mrs. Ocasio, Mrs. Janda and those in need
v Let us give thanks to God for all the gifts he has provided us
v Especially give thanks to God for the gift of a parish school and ask his help as we continue to grow and prosper
v May Our Lord grant us all the graces we need and desire
Saint John the Evangelist Catholic School
1730 W. 12th Street Loveland, Co 80537 970.635.5830
St John School does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color or national or ethnic origin
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