We are looking for some new recruits for PTO. There are lots of positions within the PTO (and will be up for election soon, but in order to function, we need a select group of people to serve on the executive committee. These are year long positions that last from July 1 – June 30. We are looking to hold elections for the executive committee to get some fresh perspective and ideas to the PTO. Please read through the 4 executive positions and think about whether you might possess some skill or talent that could make our PTO bigger, brighter and better than ever.
Chair: The Chair presides over all meetings of the PTO common and that of the PTO executive committee. He/she also recruits committee members and delegates responsibilities as necessary to fulfill the function of PTO. The Chair is an ex-officio member of SAC (School Advisory Council) and should attend such meetings and other PTO committee meetings as necessary. He/she shall ensure that the by-laws as adopted are followed.
Co-Chair: The Co-chair, in the absence of the chair, shall perform all the duties of the Chair. The Co-chair shall serve as Chair-elect for the following school year. The Co-chair shall act as historian to archive newspaper articles and photographs and maintain the PTO section of the website. He/she shall coordinate the Saint John’s Catholic School Information fair and/or Back to School Night as needed.
Secretary: The Secretary keeps minutes of the PTO at all the meetings both common and executive gatherings. He/she also keeps a contact list of all board members. Secretary presents the minutes for approval or correction. He/she shall notify all members of organization meetings and handle all correspondence as requested such as Thank you notes and fliers.
Treasurer: The Treasurer accounts for all monies of the PTO. Purchase Orders for money spent are approved and submitted to the Business Office for payment to vendors. Money received is counted and remitted to the Business Office for deposit. Monthly the Treasurer obtains the detail list of PTO revenue and expense recorded by the Business Office that month, verifies their accuracy and presents monthly financial reports at regular PTO meetings. The Treasurer works with the Business Office and the PTO Chair to establish an annual PTO budget each May. The Treasurer also coordinates with fundraising event chairs and other PTO members to assist with the financial aspect of fundraisers and community social events and answers questions related to the receipt of cash and payment of invoices.
If you are interested in fulfilling any of these positions, please submit a short bio about yourself, the position you seek and why you want the position next year, so we may compile a ballot and hold an official election just after spring break. Please try to include a picture of yourself. Email bios to Melaine Heesacker @mjhranch@msn.com by March 5.
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