Thursday, September 26, 2013



Dear Saint John’s School Families,
What, no school tomorrow??  Not so!  No school for Saint John’s students that is. Yes, teachers must go to school tomorrow.  What?  When?  Where?  Why?   
Saint John’s Faculty  members are enrolled in an all day Catechetical  Class.  We will travel to Greeley to join Saint Mary’s  Catholic School Staff for a Pillars I Course.  This will be taught by an instructor from the Archdiocese of Denver Catechetical School .
Teachers in Catholic Schools  in the Archdiocese must become certified in the 4 Pillars:  A Journey Through the Catechism of the Catholic Church.  The Catechism is an invaluable resource for learning the Catholic Faith .  In his document declaring the Year of Faith, Porta Fidei, Pope Benedict XVI highlighted that it is in the Catechism that “we see the wealth of teaching that the Church has received, safeguarded and proposed in her two thousand years of history.  From Sacred Scripture to the Fathers of the Church, from theological masters to the saints across the centuries, the Catechism provides a permanent record of the many ways in which the Church has meditated on the faith and made progress in doctrine so as to offer certitude to believers of faith”  (Porta Fidei, 11)
The Catechism is divided into 4 sections, or pillars, upon which the Church’s teaching is based:  the Creed, the Sacraments, the Moral Life in Christ, and Prayer.  These 4 pillars come from Scripture when we are given a look into the life of the early Church:  “ And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching (creed)  and fellowship (moral life), to the breaking of bread (sacraments) and the prayers (prayer)”  (Acts 2:42)  Tomorrow, we will be taking the Creed pillar which is an excellent summation of how God has revealed Himself in human history and how we respond to Him in the relationship of faith The word “Creed” comes from the Latin word, “credo” which means “I believe.” 
It is important for us here at Saint John’s School to keep current and knowledgeable in our own Catholic Faith in order for us to model and teach our students. 
Have an enjoyable long weekend.  Hopefully, we will see many of you at the Gala Saturday night.

Mrs. Schmitt

Friday, September 20, 2013


                                 INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE TOMORROW

Dear Saint John’s School Families,
Each year the International Day of Peace is observed around the world on September 21.  The General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples.  The first Peace Day was observed in September 1982. 
“On this International Day of Peace, let us pledge to teach our children the value of tolerance and mutual respect.  Let us invest in the schools and teachers that will build a fair and inclusive world that embraces diversity. Let us fight for peace and defend it with all our might.”   UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
Pinwheels for Peace is an art installation project started in 2005, by two Art teachers as a way for students to express their feelings about what is going on in the world and in their lives.  Last year, 2012, over 4 million pinwheels were spinning in over 3,500 locations throughout the world.
Here at Saint John’s School Mrs. Brown makes this a part of her art program .  She teaches her students that peace isn’t only to be associated with the conflict of war, but how it relates to violence/intolerance in our daily lives, freedom from conflict or disagreement among people or groups, a state of mind and serenity, with no anxiety. 
In her classroom our students, too, create pinwheels, pinwheels of all shapes and sizes.  As part of the creation process, the students write on one side their thoughts about tolerance and living in harmony with others, on the other side they will draw, paint, collage etc. to visually express their feelings.  Today, the day before the International Day of Peace tomorrow, they “planted” their pinwheels here on campus as a public statement and art exhibit.  This followed Father Frank’s homily in today’s  Friday Mass, where he talked to the children about getting along with each other and living in peace.
Please observe and enjoy the pinwheels on Saint John’s campus. Ask your child(ren) about their Pinwheel for Peace.  When they bring it home let them tell you about what they learned and why. The spinning of the pinwheels in the wind will spread thoughts and feelings about peace throughout the country and the world.  IMAGINE…”Whirled Peace”!!
Peace be with you,

Friday, September 6, 2013


Dear Saint John’s Families,
Parents of students here at Saint John the Evangelist School for sure understand  the meaning of stewardship, i.e. the giving of time, talent and treasure.  When the decision is made to enroll one’s child(ren) in a private Catholic School, there are many sacrifices that will be made.  Yes, tuition must be paid, uniforms purchased, school supplies, school pictures, transportation (gas) must be arranged, and participation in and support of a number of fundraisers, example,  Walk-A-Thon to name only a few examples of the giving of treasure.                                                                                                                                                                                         
The giving of time and talent is a huge area of sacrifice. While I know I run the risk of not being able to recognize and express my gratitude to so many of you parents who give your ongoing time and talent, I would like  to take this opportunity to give a most sincere “thank you” to  just some of  you. 
To those of you families and our National Honor Society Students who returned to Saint John’s on that hot August Saturday for School Clean-up day,  you were very much appreciated.  A special thank you to Rob Carr who sacrificed time, talent and treasure and rented a bobcat to move the mountain of woodchips in our playground.  Our school campus looked the best ever this year. 
Parents who volunteer in our kitchen making it possible to have excellent, home cooked food for our children, our gratitude.  Our  PTO  and SAC committees will meet this coming week.   We could not do without you. Our PTO Board is needing  members.  Ella Kaiser, Tara Kirkpatrick, Patty Nichols, can you count the number of years you have served on PTO?   
 And, of course, our BOOSTER CLUB,  behind our Athletics your quiet humble support does not go unnoticed.  Unfortunately, some of our parents have given their time and talent in this arena year after year.  Soon, we will schedule a BOOSTER CLUB meeting.  Please give consideration and call Mr. Sobraski to tell him you would be willing to step up and relieve some generous souls like Bethany Anderson who have given so much. Our volunteer coaches must be given a huge “pat on the back” for their time and expertise delivered in the hottest of season.
Last but not least,  Sara Smith,  who works each year to make the Golf Tourney  happen,  you deserve our sincere “thank you”  and yes,  many more individuals  to play,  support and sign up for next Saturday’s event. 
Thanks for all you school families do individually and collectively.  What a special community we have here at Saint  Johns.

Mrs. Schmitt