Friday, August 30, 2013


Dear Saint John’s School Families,
Yes, it is the latest “tongue twister” that you are hearing from your child(ren). Our students here at Saint John the Evangelist School are excited for the “Grand Opening next Wednesday of a new store here on campus.
At our “Back-to-School -Sunday a brief description was given of our the PBIS Program that is being implemented for students, faculty/staff and parents. Pamphlets sharing this good news were handed out to each family. A Positive Behavior Intervention System you may find in other schools throughout the nation and in schools in Loveland. However, each is unique to the specific school. Last year, with the assistance professional coaches, our faculty and staff laid the foundation and designed a PBIS Program to meet our needs at Saint Johns. A core team of faculty worked during the summer to finalize the details in order that we could “kick off” the program when school opened this fall.
Common expectations and vocabulary as to the expectations of students and staff is just one of the benefits of this program. What a way to learn/teach life skills that will develop the “whole child”! Now the exciting part…..Wednesday, students may shop at the SOAR STORE using the soar bucks they have earned.
Please thank our PTO for helping us to afford the items in the store. Without their support we couldn’t have opened our store. Several organizations have promised to help provide “treasures” for purchase. The cost of the purchase will, of course, depend on its value. Students may save their soar bucks if they would like to buy something of greater value, like Lunch with Fr. Sam??
Parents, when you are buying Scrip maybe you would like to donate a gift card of $1, $5, $10 dollars to place in our SOAR STORE. Are there new but unused or interesting “somethings” around your home that would be something fun for a child to buy? Perhaps you may know of a business, or organization that would be willing to support this program with small but meaningful items.
Thanks for backing our latest new program at Saint Johns.
Mrs. Schmitt

Friday, August 23, 2013


Dear Saint John’s School Families,
Yes, we are “off and running”.  Monday morning saw 241 Saint John’s Pre-school–eighth grade students arrive for classes.  How exciting it is to see our school grow!  A great deal of planning and preparation took place to result in the smooth beginning of this new school year. 
First of all, thank you Saint John’s Families for celebrating the 11:00a.m. Mass together on “Back-To-School” Sunday.  The picnic that followed gave everyone an opportunity to get acquainted or reacquainted.  Mother Nature cooperated with cloud cover, and only a sprinkle of rain.  The meeting in our gym was brief in order that the children could meet their teacher(s) and drop off their school supplies.  It was a successful and happy Sunday.  Monday’s abbreviated day was just what we needed to help our transition from vacation, especially on the hot day.
Of course, this first week consisted of everyone, students, staff and parents,  learning  schedules, routines, and expectations. With additional enrollment, the arrival and dismissal of students needs to receive attention. While the arrival/drop off  “LOOP” in the morning for the K-4 children appears to be working quite successfully, the pick up “LOOP” in the afternoon needs a small change in order that cars are not backed up on Tyler Avenue causing confusion and a safety issue.  Parents, please  enter the “LOOP” from Tyler Avenue (west) and proceed immediately to the far right, passing the Middle School and the Church.   Make two lines as you drive west toward the pick up location.  As the “LOOP” moves slowly, please keep a tight space between your car and the one ahead.  This will allow more cars to cross Tyler Avenue and be on Saint John’s Campus. 
Your will be receiving a new/revised schematic which will outline the plan for each day’s arrival and dismissal.  Thank you in advance for helping us get off to a smooth, new start. 
Tara Kirkpatrick, a loyal PTO member, has once again agreed to put together a Saint John’s float for the Loveland Corn Roast Parade.  Students, Staff and Parents, the parade begins earlier this year.  Please help represent our school and be part of the parade. We will gather at 8:00a.m. on Railroad Avenue near Fairground’s Park, Float #45.  What a great way to end our first week back!    
Mrs. Schmitt