Friday, December 20, 2013


Dear Saint John School Families,
Here we are in the last school day of 2013.  What a joy it is to count our many blessings that we have received here Saint John’s School during this past year.  Joyfulness abounds when one works daily with children.  The hugs, the smiles, the surprises, and best of all, love is experienced daily. 
Tuesday evening’s music concert was a testimony to the joy of our students giving of themselves as they “sang with all their hearts”.  From the preschoolers to the 8th graders, it was truly a gift that was given to us.  Mr. Bradberry, you are amazing!  You instill in our youth a true love of music.  What talent you have to bring well over 230 + children together for a concert that they so enjoyed doing.  
I would like to take this opportunity to share some joyous and special words of Mother Teresa:      The fruit of silence is prayer,
                                  The fruit of prayer is a deepening of faith,
                                  The fruit of faith is love,
                                  The fruit of love is service and
                                 The fruit of service is peace
“Merry Christmas” Everyone!

Mrs. Schmitt

Friday, December 6, 2013



Dear Saint John’s School Families,
“Hands on learning” --- Learning by doing”.  Saint John’s Science Fair is just that! What an impressive display to see the work of young minds in one location.  Every single student 5th-8th completed their assignment, that of doing a science fair project.  There was no doubt that students had been taught and understood the process needed for this accomplishment. It is very obvious how much creative thought and work it took to make this such a meaningful experience.  The  uniqueness of each study was exciting and brought smiles to the viewers of the Fair i.e. DRIVEN TO DISTRACTION-------PLEASE DON’T PASS THE SALT-----BRIDGE G-FORCE -------HOW CLEAN ARE PUBLIC POOLS----DOES MUSIC AFFECT THE GROWTH OF SEEDS?-----SLEEP DEPRIVATION----HOW ACCURATE ARE EYEWITNESS ACCOUNTS?    I learned how to make homemade casein glue! 
The draft of each project had to be signed by an adult sponsor and placed in a Science Fair Data Book.  The display had to address the Purpose—The Question, the Hypothesis, the Procedure and, of course, the Results, Analysis and Conclusion. The Scientific Method is no stranger to our students.
Mr. Estergard and Mrs. Rottinghaus you are to be applauded for the outstanding job you did of teaching, guiding and challenging our Saint John’s students to think scientifically.  Congratulations students on a job well done!
Mrs. Schmitt

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Dear Saint John’s School Families,
As we close school today to celebrate the beautiful holiday of Thanksgiving, I want to take time to thank each of you for the blessing you are to Saint John’s School.  There is no way to adequately communicate my sincere appreciation for sharing your children with us.  We truly have so many, many reasons to thank the Lord for the blessings bestowed upon us as a school.   
The latest “good news” I wish to share with you is the honor that our 5th/6th Robotics Team received, Saturday. They, too, brought home a trophy from the  Preston Middle School competition for 2nd overall in the Project Research Category, Research and Innovation.  They were one of the 6 highest scoring teams across all categories.  This allows them to advance to the State Tournament which will be held on Saturday, December 14.  How excited the team was , along with Coaches Crane, Rottinghaus and Miller. 
Enjoy your break and have a BLESSED THANKSGIVING.

Mrs. Schmitt

Friday, November 22, 2013



Dear Saint John’s Families,
Competition---“A contest between rivals”.    Like any card or board game, competition can be a great motivator to learn to do one’s best.  It gives our students opportunities to give their experience the best effort they have to give.  So much is learned from competition, i.e. team work, determination, and most of all, “How to win, and how to lose.”
Among the many extracurricular offerings and opportunities to learn and compete here at school is that of our LEGO ROBOTICS.  This year we have two teams competing.  One team for 5/6th grades and another for 7th/8th grades.  We are so grateful to Barrett Crane, Mike Rottinghaus and Michelle Miller who lead these teams.  The teams meet after school Friday afternoons.
Last Saturday Saint John’s 7th and 8th grade Robotics Team competed at Poudre High School in Fort Collins against 47 schools.  They received an Exemplary Score in the areas of GRACIOUS PROFESSIONALISM, TEAMWORK, INSPIRATION, PRESENTATION, INNOVATIVE SOLUTION and MECHANICAL DESIGN of their robot.  Cheers were heard when our team was called down from the bleachers to receive the TROPHY for STRATEGY AND INNOVATION.  Judges were impressed with their implementation of rack and pinion steering on a Lego robot, coupled with a steering calibration algorithm program the team downloaded into the robot, stating that it was very innovative and very well documented design. 
Saint John’s Lego Robotic Record: 
2011/2012 1st Place overall—Poudre Tournament                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
2009/2010 1st Place Teamwork—Poudre Tournament                                             
          1st Place Teamwork-State of Colorado
2008/2009 4TH Thompson Tournament
2004/2005 8th in the State of Colorado
Rookie team of the year
1st in technical interview (State)
Tomorrow, Saturday, at Preston Middle School in Fort Collins our 5th and 6th graders will have their tournament.  Presently, this team and their coaches are working hard and long in preparation for tomorrow’s long day of competition.  Please join me in cheering them on.
Mrs. Schmitt

Friday, November 8, 2013


Dear Saints John’s School Families,
It is hard to believe that today, Friday, November 8th, is the end of our first trimester of this school year.  You can guess that the teachers will be spending their weekend working on assessments/grades which are due to Mrs. Sweeney on Monday.      Report cards and grades i.e. academic achievement is a high priority here at Saint Johns.  Since parents receive snapshots each Wednesday and since we recently held student, parent, teacher conferences, hopefully, there will be few surprises when your child(ren) brings home her/his report card next Friday.  Close communication between parents and teachers as to how a student is progressing is of great         importance.  Whether B’s, A’s or C’s, it isn’t a matter of how your child compares to others, is he/she working up to his/her potential?  Is there growth and             advancement?  Striving for excellence in everything we do must be our motto.
That being said, our highly respected Archdiocese of Denver Superintendent of  Catholic Schools, Mr. Richard Thompson, reminds us at our principals’ meetings, of our highest priority  that being our Catholic Identity and leading children to Christ.  The focus this year is CATHOLIC SCHOOLS:  HELPING TO          REBUILD CATHOLIC CULTURE. 
We must be committed to living out our Saint John the Evangelist Catholic School Mission Statement: 
In communion with our families, Saint John the Evangelist Catholic School provides a respectful Catholic environment  dedicated to developing the whole child through academic achievement, personal responsibility, and the          formation of faith-filled citizens in a place where Christ is ever present.
Mrs. Schmitt

Thursday, September 26, 2013



Dear Saint John’s School Families,
What, no school tomorrow??  Not so!  No school for Saint John’s students that is. Yes, teachers must go to school tomorrow.  What?  When?  Where?  Why?   
Saint John’s Faculty  members are enrolled in an all day Catechetical  Class.  We will travel to Greeley to join Saint Mary’s  Catholic School Staff for a Pillars I Course.  This will be taught by an instructor from the Archdiocese of Denver Catechetical School .
Teachers in Catholic Schools  in the Archdiocese must become certified in the 4 Pillars:  A Journey Through the Catechism of the Catholic Church.  The Catechism is an invaluable resource for learning the Catholic Faith .  In his document declaring the Year of Faith, Porta Fidei, Pope Benedict XVI highlighted that it is in the Catechism that “we see the wealth of teaching that the Church has received, safeguarded and proposed in her two thousand years of history.  From Sacred Scripture to the Fathers of the Church, from theological masters to the saints across the centuries, the Catechism provides a permanent record of the many ways in which the Church has meditated on the faith and made progress in doctrine so as to offer certitude to believers of faith”  (Porta Fidei, 11)
The Catechism is divided into 4 sections, or pillars, upon which the Church’s teaching is based:  the Creed, the Sacraments, the Moral Life in Christ, and Prayer.  These 4 pillars come from Scripture when we are given a look into the life of the early Church:  “ And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching (creed)  and fellowship (moral life), to the breaking of bread (sacraments) and the prayers (prayer)”  (Acts 2:42)  Tomorrow, we will be taking the Creed pillar which is an excellent summation of how God has revealed Himself in human history and how we respond to Him in the relationship of faith The word “Creed” comes from the Latin word, “credo” which means “I believe.” 
It is important for us here at Saint John’s School to keep current and knowledgeable in our own Catholic Faith in order for us to model and teach our students. 
Have an enjoyable long weekend.  Hopefully, we will see many of you at the Gala Saturday night.

Mrs. Schmitt

Friday, September 20, 2013


                                 INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE TOMORROW

Dear Saint John’s School Families,
Each year the International Day of Peace is observed around the world on September 21.  The General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples.  The first Peace Day was observed in September 1982. 
“On this International Day of Peace, let us pledge to teach our children the value of tolerance and mutual respect.  Let us invest in the schools and teachers that will build a fair and inclusive world that embraces diversity. Let us fight for peace and defend it with all our might.”   UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
Pinwheels for Peace is an art installation project started in 2005, by two Art teachers as a way for students to express their feelings about what is going on in the world and in their lives.  Last year, 2012, over 4 million pinwheels were spinning in over 3,500 locations throughout the world.
Here at Saint John’s School Mrs. Brown makes this a part of her art program .  She teaches her students that peace isn’t only to be associated with the conflict of war, but how it relates to violence/intolerance in our daily lives, freedom from conflict or disagreement among people or groups, a state of mind and serenity, with no anxiety. 
In her classroom our students, too, create pinwheels, pinwheels of all shapes and sizes.  As part of the creation process, the students write on one side their thoughts about tolerance and living in harmony with others, on the other side they will draw, paint, collage etc. to visually express their feelings.  Today, the day before the International Day of Peace tomorrow, they “planted” their pinwheels here on campus as a public statement and art exhibit.  This followed Father Frank’s homily in today’s  Friday Mass, where he talked to the children about getting along with each other and living in peace.
Please observe and enjoy the pinwheels on Saint John’s campus. Ask your child(ren) about their Pinwheel for Peace.  When they bring it home let them tell you about what they learned and why. The spinning of the pinwheels in the wind will spread thoughts and feelings about peace throughout the country and the world.  IMAGINE…”Whirled Peace”!!
Peace be with you,

Friday, September 6, 2013


Dear Saint John’s Families,
Parents of students here at Saint John the Evangelist School for sure understand  the meaning of stewardship, i.e. the giving of time, talent and treasure.  When the decision is made to enroll one’s child(ren) in a private Catholic School, there are many sacrifices that will be made.  Yes, tuition must be paid, uniforms purchased, school supplies, school pictures, transportation (gas) must be arranged, and participation in and support of a number of fundraisers, example,  Walk-A-Thon to name only a few examples of the giving of treasure.                                                                                                                                                                                         
The giving of time and talent is a huge area of sacrifice. While I know I run the risk of not being able to recognize and express my gratitude to so many of you parents who give your ongoing time and talent, I would like  to take this opportunity to give a most sincere “thank you” to  just some of  you. 
To those of you families and our National Honor Society Students who returned to Saint John’s on that hot August Saturday for School Clean-up day,  you were very much appreciated.  A special thank you to Rob Carr who sacrificed time, talent and treasure and rented a bobcat to move the mountain of woodchips in our playground.  Our school campus looked the best ever this year. 
Parents who volunteer in our kitchen making it possible to have excellent, home cooked food for our children, our gratitude.  Our  PTO  and SAC committees will meet this coming week.   We could not do without you. Our PTO Board is needing  members.  Ella Kaiser, Tara Kirkpatrick, Patty Nichols, can you count the number of years you have served on PTO?   
 And, of course, our BOOSTER CLUB,  behind our Athletics your quiet humble support does not go unnoticed.  Unfortunately, some of our parents have given their time and talent in this arena year after year.  Soon, we will schedule a BOOSTER CLUB meeting.  Please give consideration and call Mr. Sobraski to tell him you would be willing to step up and relieve some generous souls like Bethany Anderson who have given so much. Our volunteer coaches must be given a huge “pat on the back” for their time and expertise delivered in the hottest of season.
Last but not least,  Sara Smith,  who works each year to make the Golf Tourney  happen,  you deserve our sincere “thank you”  and yes,  many more individuals  to play,  support and sign up for next Saturday’s event. 
Thanks for all you school families do individually and collectively.  What a special community we have here at Saint  Johns.

Mrs. Schmitt

Friday, August 30, 2013


Dear Saint John’s School Families,
Yes, it is the latest “tongue twister” that you are hearing from your child(ren). Our students here at Saint John the Evangelist School are excited for the “Grand Opening next Wednesday of a new store here on campus.
At our “Back-to-School -Sunday a brief description was given of our the PBIS Program that is being implemented for students, faculty/staff and parents. Pamphlets sharing this good news were handed out to each family. A Positive Behavior Intervention System you may find in other schools throughout the nation and in schools in Loveland. However, each is unique to the specific school. Last year, with the assistance professional coaches, our faculty and staff laid the foundation and designed a PBIS Program to meet our needs at Saint Johns. A core team of faculty worked during the summer to finalize the details in order that we could “kick off” the program when school opened this fall.
Common expectations and vocabulary as to the expectations of students and staff is just one of the benefits of this program. What a way to learn/teach life skills that will develop the “whole child”! Now the exciting part…..Wednesday, students may shop at the SOAR STORE using the soar bucks they have earned.
Please thank our PTO for helping us to afford the items in the store. Without their support we couldn’t have opened our store. Several organizations have promised to help provide “treasures” for purchase. The cost of the purchase will, of course, depend on its value. Students may save their soar bucks if they would like to buy something of greater value, like Lunch with Fr. Sam??
Parents, when you are buying Scrip maybe you would like to donate a gift card of $1, $5, $10 dollars to place in our SOAR STORE. Are there new but unused or interesting “somethings” around your home that would be something fun for a child to buy? Perhaps you may know of a business, or organization that would be willing to support this program with small but meaningful items.
Thanks for backing our latest new program at Saint Johns.
Mrs. Schmitt

Friday, August 23, 2013


Dear Saint John’s School Families,
Yes, we are “off and running”.  Monday morning saw 241 Saint John’s Pre-school–eighth grade students arrive for classes.  How exciting it is to see our school grow!  A great deal of planning and preparation took place to result in the smooth beginning of this new school year. 
First of all, thank you Saint John’s Families for celebrating the 11:00a.m. Mass together on “Back-To-School” Sunday.  The picnic that followed gave everyone an opportunity to get acquainted or reacquainted.  Mother Nature cooperated with cloud cover, and only a sprinkle of rain.  The meeting in our gym was brief in order that the children could meet their teacher(s) and drop off their school supplies.  It was a successful and happy Sunday.  Monday’s abbreviated day was just what we needed to help our transition from vacation, especially on the hot day.
Of course, this first week consisted of everyone, students, staff and parents,  learning  schedules, routines, and expectations. With additional enrollment, the arrival and dismissal of students needs to receive attention. While the arrival/drop off  “LOOP” in the morning for the K-4 children appears to be working quite successfully, the pick up “LOOP” in the afternoon needs a small change in order that cars are not backed up on Tyler Avenue causing confusion and a safety issue.  Parents, please  enter the “LOOP” from Tyler Avenue (west) and proceed immediately to the far right, passing the Middle School and the Church.   Make two lines as you drive west toward the pick up location.  As the “LOOP” moves slowly, please keep a tight space between your car and the one ahead.  This will allow more cars to cross Tyler Avenue and be on Saint John’s Campus. 
Your will be receiving a new/revised schematic which will outline the plan for each day’s arrival and dismissal.  Thank you in advance for helping us get off to a smooth, new start. 
Tara Kirkpatrick, a loyal PTO member, has once again agreed to put together a Saint John’s float for the Loveland Corn Roast Parade.  Students, Staff and Parents, the parade begins earlier this year.  Please help represent our school and be part of the parade. We will gather at 8:00a.m. on Railroad Avenue near Fairground’s Park, Float #45.  What a great way to end our first week back!    
Mrs. Schmitt

Friday, May 24, 2013


Dear Saint John’s Families,
With only 3 ½ days of school remaining in this 2012-2013  school year,  reality is facing us, as significant milestones are near in the lives of many of our students and several staff members.   
Last evening, 15 of our 8th graders were bid farewell during a beautiful graduation Mass, ceremony and reception.  The touching DVD of their lives brought laughter and tears.  Many of the graduates had been classmates since preschool.  To watch their lives unfold in front of us from childhood to now, high school, reminds all of us how quickly time passes, and how we all need to “make every day count”, as childhood and life is “oh” so short. 
This morning 29 of our preschoolers had a “moving up” celebration.  How excited they were, waving at mom and dad as cameras flashed and small diplomas were given to them by their 7th grade Mass buddies.  A picnic with a unique cake with all of childrens’ names was then held outdoors on our east grassy playground.
Next week all of us will say our “goodbyes” to 3 of our special staff members.  Yes, this will be hard, and they will certainly be missed by all of us.  Truett Shilling, has accepted a technology teaching position, so will leave us as our Extended Day Director/Athletic Director.    Dana Brungardt, our Reading/Interventionist, has found that her own business is flourishing and can no longer balance her two jobs.  And, last but not least, Rachel/Campbell-Maher, our beloved kindergarten teacher is moving to Denver. 
Thanks for “ making every day count”!  See you next Tuesday.  Have a safe and fun Memorial Day weekend.
Shalom, Lois

Friday, May 17, 2013

Congratulations Confirmandi!

On Wednesday night the class of 2013 received the Sacrament of Confirmation! We would like to congratulate these students who worked hard to prepare for this day. May God, through the intercessions of Saint John the Evangelist,   continue to touch the hearts of all these students and inspire them to lead good Catholic lives. Congratulations, Jackson, Chelsea, Jack, Kevin, Eric, Weston, Sierra, Jennifer, Maggie, Jacqueline, Isabella, Nick, Mark, and Samantha.
We encourage the First Year Confirmation class (2014) to continue to work hard and continue to bless our community with their vibrancy and enthusiasm.
“The new things of God, the trials of life, remaining steadfast in the Lord. Dear friends, let us open wide the door of our lives to the new things of God which the Holy Spirit gives us. May he transform us, confirm us in our trials, strengthen our union with the Lord, our steadfastness in him: this is a true joy! So may it be.   Pope Francis 4/28/13 Homily

Friday, May 10, 2013


Dear Saint John’s School Families,
Well, don’t we all.  First, you need stick-shift practice.  Do we have a deal for you!  The Saint John’s school bus is a manual transmission, and drivers are wanted for school field trips during the school day hours for next year.  A CDL (Commercial Driver’s License) with a school bus endorsement is needed, but training can be provided for those tests. 
Do you occasionally have days off on school days?  Would you like to drive the Saint John’s school bus for field trips?  Dr. Scott Sunheim and Frank Paup have kindly volunteered to provide training this summer for anyone interested in volunteering for this special need.    This is your chance to fulfill your parent volunteer hours while enjoying some fun and interesting field trips.  Ladies and guys alike, please give Dr. Sunheim a call at     593.0345         if you could help us out and become a trained driver.  Our students love riding the bus as new as it is! 
 Thanks so much for considering this opportunity.
Mrs. Schmitt

Friday, May 3, 2013


Dear Saint John’s School Families,
Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”     Matthew 19:14    
Our Saint John’s second graders and eighth graders have been       carefully preparing for a very important milestone in their lives.      Receiving the Sacrament of the EUCHARIST and CONFIRMATION are two very special happenings in the life of a student here at Saint John’s Catholic School. 
What a blessing it is to have the instruction for these Sacraments be a part of the curriculum taught every day.    The excitement builds as tomorrow morning, Saturday, May 4,  our younger children make their FIRST HOLY COMMUNION.  How beautiful and precious they will be as they receive the EUCHARIST and realize this is an intimate union with CHRIST JESUS!  No doubt, each of us attending this special Mass will have fond memories of our own First Holy Communion.
The second extraordinary date on our school calendar is when our oldest students receive the sacrament of CONFIRMATION.  Archbishop Aquilla will confirm our eighth grade students on Wednesday, evening, May 15th.   Both our younger and oldest students are very well         prepared to receive these two sacraments.
Please join us in the celebration and happiness for our students .
Mrs. Schmitt

Thursday, April 25, 2013


Dear Saint John’s School Families,
National Day of Prayer is held on the first Thursday of May each year, inviting Americans of all faiths to pray for the country and its leaders.  Several million people are expected to participate in this call to prayer.  Other events in various communities across the United States will include:  choirs and bands performing songs relating to prayer; community prayer breakfasts or luncheons; daytime prayer walks; and evening worship and prayer services or gatherings.  National Day of prayer is a time for people of all faiths to pray together in their own way. 
In 1775 the Continental Congress allocated a time for prayer in forming a new nation.  Over the years there have been calls for a day of prayer, including from President Abraham Lincoln in 1863.  On April 17, 1952, President Harry Truman signed a bill proclaiming the National Day of Prayer into law in the United States.  It was President Reagan who amended the law in 1988, designating the first Thursday of May each year as the National Day of Prayer.
The National Prayer Committee was formed in the United States in 1972.  It went on to create the National Day of Prayer Task Force, with the intended purpose of coordinating events for the National Day of Prayer.  According to the Legal information Institute, the President shall issue each year a proclamation designating the first Thursday in May as a National Day of Prayer on which the people of the United States may turn to God in prayer and meditation at churches, in groups and as individuals. 
Our local National Day of Prayer Committee here in Loveland has invited  Saint John’s School to participate NEXT THURSDAY AT GROUP PUBLISHING, 1515 Cascade Avenue.   Our student council members lead by their teacher sponsors,  Mr. Sgourdos and Mrs. Garcia  will be on the evening’s program.  EVERYONE IS INVITED to join together for this interdenominational community prayer event.  The evening will begin at 6:00p.m. for refreshments and 6:30 prayer and praise.  Prayer topics will include Family, Church, Schools, Government, and Local Issues & Concerns.  Our students will lead in prayers for our Military. 
With the recent events such as the tragedy in Boston, our nation and local communities must come together to pray.  Perhaps in our own family we could celebrate the National Day of Prayer in our home.   It is good to remember Mother Teresa’s  statement, “The family that prays together, stays together.”
Lois Schmitt

Saturday, February 23, 2013


                       STAND FIRM IN THE FAITH

Dear Saint John’s School Families,
Yes, next Friday, March 1, is a vacation from classes for our Saint John’s Students. However, for teachers and administration it is not a vacation day, but a day when all are expected to gather in Denver at the Colorado Convention Center for the Living the Catholic Faith Conference.       
 Each year we have this wonderful opportunity to renew our faith and come together as God’s family and hear some of the best speakers in the Church today.  It’s the single biggest yearly gathering of Catholics in the Rocky Mountain region.  Last year over 4500 people attended the conference, (1000 teachers).  Friday’s attendance includes parish clergy, professional staff, and ministry leaders (DREs, Youth Ministers, Directors of Liturgy, etc.) as well as catechists, RCIA & faith formation teams, and students from the archdiocese’s biblical and catechetical schools. 
The Conference will begin at 8:00a.m. with Mass celebrated by Archbishop  Aquila. Following Mass our Archbishop will provide the keynote presentation: STAND FIRM in the FAITH.  Some of the workshop presentations the teachers and I registered for included:  Catholic identity and evangelization;   To teach as God does: rediscovering the divine pedagogy in the Catechism of the Catholic Church; Evangelization and media: rethinking the Catholic sub-culture . One session will be given by Jason Evert, who will provide the Youth Chastity Rally on March 20.   
The conference also provides the opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation as well as to explore the exhibit hall filled with countless interesting booths displaying resources and services.  
What an excellent staff development day this should be!   In order to provide a strong Catholic education for our Saint John’s students, it is essential that our faculty and staff continue to learn and grow in our faith.  Please keep us in your prayers Friday for safe travel and that the conference will strengthen our Catholic identity.

Mrs. Schmitt


Friday, February 8, 2013



Dear Saint John’s School Families,
An important question must be asked each year.  How will our school community experience this Season of Lent and Holy Week in a personal and meaningful manner. 
Tuesday, afternoon will begin our schools’ celebration  of the season.  A Mardi Gras parade will begin starting in the Middle School and ending in our gymnasium.  Our school band and  Mrs. Brown will lead with us with exciting music. All students will be wearing the creative hats they created.  After the loud, happy celebration, we will officially bury “Hallelujah”.  Students will be dismissed eating a donut to celebrate FAT TUESDAY.
Ash Wednesday morning we will attend Mass as a student body.  Please help students to wear their uniforms. 
Our spirituality is as personal as our breath or our fingerprint.  As we move through the forty days of Lent, we might on occasion, surrender freely to the quiet within us.  Beginning next Thursday afternoon students 2nd-8th grade will by class go weekly to Adoration. 
Further in the Chronicle you will learn of how our students will take part in alms giving.  More  of our plans will be shared as we travel this desert road toward Easter.
Mrs. Schmitt

Thursday, January 31, 2013


Dear Saint John’s School Families,

As we near the end of Catholic Schools Week, 2013, I would like to thank each and every one of you who contributed to, supported and attended the many events and activities.  From the Barn Dance, then the special weekend Masses, to the Open House, to Spirit Day, followed by the 4th grade Archdiocese Mass and lunch hosted by Saint Johns, to yesterday’s Family Luncheon, until today, the Student/Staff athletic competition, all were successful and made for a great week. 
As calendars are turned to February tomorrow, it is now time to begin planning for the next school year.  The very first step is to hold REGISTRATION.  Please make this a top priority in order for us to move forward with our planning.  It would be greatly appreciated if we could receive your registration forms as soon as possible.    You will be delighted to learn that due to our generous benefactors contributing to our Endowment Fund and the prudent use of our resources, there will be NO increase in tuition for next year. 
Included in this packet you are receiving today is the ANNUAL REPORT for the Archdiocese of Denver Catholic Schools. Thank you for taking time to read this information about Catholic Education and the 38 Catholic Schools in our Archdiocese.
 On the cover you will open the Doors of Faith in our Catholic Schools, (actually, these are the doors of the Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception).  The Cathedral is celebrating her 100th year as the Mother Church of the Archdiocese of Denver.
Inside you will become better acquainted with our Archbishop Aquila and Mr. Thompson, our Superintendent of the Archdiocese of Denver Catholic Schools.  Would it surprise you to learn that our Archbishop attended both Catholic elementary and high schools?
On the back cover you will find a FINANCIAL SNAPSHOT giving interesting facts about the 2012 Fiscal Year.   You will find Saint John’s tuition K-8 is lower than the average tuition for Affiliated Catholic families.  It is important to be informed about Catholic Education and share the good news with others.

Mrs. Schmitt

Friday, January 25, 2013


                                                       January 27-February 2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
Dear Saint John’s School Families,

Did you know that Catholic Schools Week began in 1974?  Catholic Schools Week always begins the last Sunday in January .   The theme for the National Catholic Schools Week 2013 is “Catholic Schools Raise the Standards.” The 2013 theme supports the recent launch of the National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools, that ensure the effective operation and responsible governance Catholic schools across the country, thus promoting high academic standards and Catholic identity.
Below you will find how Saint John the Evangelist School celebrates the week.  We look forward to your participation in these events.
Mrs. Schmitt              
Schedule of Events!                             
¨ Saturday, January 26:
The Barn Dance from 5:30-8:00 in the school gym
4th Grade Spelling Bee
¨ Saturday & Sunday Masses, January 26-27:
Please come Mass with students in their Mass uniform!  We need all students to sit in the choir and SING!
¨ Sunday January 27th: OPEN HOUSE!
Invite your friends & neighbors to the OPEN HOUSE from 12-2!
Stop by the Rotunda and check out your child’s art work at the
Saint John’s Art Show   
¨ Monday January 28:
Saint John Spirit Day! Allow extra time when driving through the loop for coffee. Students wear your favorite St John shirt with jeans for only $2. All money goes to our Adoration Chapel
¨ Tuesday January 29: 
Student Council serving cookies for $1, all money goes to the Adoration Chapel
4th Grade Mass for all schools in the Archdiocese  will be held here at St John’s
¨ Wednesday January 30:
Family Luncheon—Order form is on the next page
¨ Thursday January 31 :
Staff & Faculty vs. 8th Grade! Stay posted for more information
¨ Friday  February 1:
No School- Teacher Appreciation/In-service