St John the Evangelist Catholic School Chronicle
October 8, 2010
October 8, 2010
Dear St. John’s School Families,
What a terrific and busy week this has been! How I appreciate all that each of you have done to make it such!
Parents, who were drivers to Denver Monday and Friday, you know our students could not have had the special experiences they had without your sacrifice of volunteering to transport us to the FOCUS 11 and the KING TUT and SCIENCE/MATH/TECH exhibit.
Staff accomplished so much the afternoon of the early release day. The staff and I really enjoyed the delicious luncheon you served us.
Our FALL FIELD DAY could not have gone more smoothly. A huge thank you to Mrs. Thomas for doing so much to plan and organize this event. All students were involved all of the time as they practiced speaking Spanish that Mrs. Garcia had taught them. Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Garcia teamed to make this a priority. Students had fun and yet learned at the same time. God heard our prayers and blessed us with a beautiful warm/hot (?) day. It was a great day for a family picnic. I received comments that this may have been the best field day ever.
A special THANK YOU to those women who came to move the wood chips after field day! The playground, the children and I are grateful.
Parents, your attendance and involvement in all of our school activities are such a blessing. What a wonderful school community we have here at Saint Johns!
Enjoy Monday, no school as it is Columbus Day.
We have had a few complaints from our neighbors that some cars are speeding down 12th street when driving into the school in the morning. Please leave home a few minutes early so that you are not feeling pressed to drive over the speed limit. This will keep our students, our families and our neighbors safe.
PLEASE Join Our Volunteer Team for the 2010 Book Fair (October 8th - October 15)
Like to organize and put things in place? Have a knack for securing sponsorships within our community?
Are you creative with signs and decorations? Could you set up or help pack things up?
Are you good at assisting shoppers pick the best books? Then we need you! Your support is welcomed in any capacity. Please sign up on the school web page.
Congratulations to the following Alumni that inducted into the National Honor Society at Thompson Valley High School
Lauren Adlhoch, Courtney Bell, Abigail Colpitts, Michael McKenna, Aimee Molloy, Amy Settle, Olivia Todd and returning again Danielle Zink.
Would you like to save money on your tuition bill? YOU CAN! Utilizing the SCRIP program is your answer! It doesn’t matter if you pay monthly or yearly: You will save! Call the school office with questions and start “Scrip-ping” today.
Safe Environment Training for all new volunteers:
Ft. Collins
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish5450 South Lemay AvenuePlease RSVP to 970.226.1303 x13
Saturday, 10/9/20109:00 a.m.
Ft. Collins
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish5450 South Lemay AvenuePlease RSVP to 970.226.1303 x13
Saturday, 10/23/20109:00 to 11:00 a.m
These are the upcoming events for our middle school students.
October 14th – Confirmation Parent meeting in Mrs. Siedenburg’s room 6:30pm.
October 15th – Parent teacher conferences.
October 16th – 8th grade Speech Meet
October 28th – Holy Family visits the 8th grade.
October 29th – No school. Cooperative Staff Development
Early November – St. Walburga retreat 7th and 8th grades. We will need chaperones and drivers for the day.
A FUN-raising good time for all of the family!!
Volunteer Opportunities: The volunteer sign up form is available on the school website, you can run a game or sign up to help in other capacities.
Supplies Needed: Please bring the following items to the office according to your child's grade:
Pre-school- 2nd Grade: A bag of candy; 3rd-5th Grade: (3) cans of Pringles; 6th-8th Grade: (3) large bottles of Soda Cake Walk Goodies: Please bring baked goods to the school on Friday Oct. 22nd or to the Rotunda area Sat. Oct.23th from 1-3pm.
yers in your prayers that they have the strength, wisdom and sportsmanship to play the best they can.
· Please check the lost and found table! It is getting full
· Please call the office if your child will be missing school or late, Thank you!
Father Jose Maria Quera visited the Kindergarten yesterday to bless their “animals” and talk about Saint Francis of Assisi. The children really enjoyed having Father Jose Maria bless their animals.
Catholics worldwide celebrate the Feast of St Francis of Assisi on October 4 each year. The feast commemorates the life of St Francis, who was born in the 12th century and is the Catholic Church’s patron saint of animals and the environment.
6th meets Junior Kindergarten
Sixth grade met their Junior Kindergarten buddies this week. There was a lot of excitement for both classes.” Buddies” attend weekly Mass together, work on service projects and develop friendships throughout the school year.
Parent/Teacher Conferences are now open for online signup
Log in to the school website.
Once logged in to the site, two links will appear in the top portion of every page of the website as well as the right sidebar.
Select “Available Conferences (a link to all available conferences).
At this point, you are presented with a list of all teachers with available conferences. To narrow your choices by teacher, simply select the teachers with whom you would like a conference and select ” apply”.
You will now see a list of the available conferences related only to the teachers with whom you would like a conference.
Select the time slot you would like to reserve. Enter your name. Select “sign up”.
Once you have reserved a conference time-slot, you will receive an email confirmation. You can view your reservations from the “My Conferences” link appearing at the top of every page within the site as well as the right sidebar.
To cancel your parent/teacher conference signups:
Log in to the school website.
Select “My Conferences” (link appearing on the top of every page within the site as well as the right sidebar). Select the parent/teacher conference you wish to cancel.
Select “Edit Signup”. Select “Cancel Signup”.
O God, bless our family and all its members and friends;bind us together by your love. Give us kindness and patience to support each other;and wisdom in all we do. Let the gift of your peace come into our hearts and remain with us.
May we rejoice in your blessings.
V Please keep Kathy Fischer in your prayers as she undergoes surgery October 12th
V May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
V Pray that the family may be respected by all in its identity, and that its irreplaceable contribution to all of society be recognized.
V Pray for that the Church may offer new generations, through the believable proclamation of the Gospel, ever-new reasons of life and hope.
V That Christians may contribute to alleviating the material and spiritual suffering of AIDS patients, especially in the poorest countries.
V That children and young people may be messengers of the Gospel and that their dignity may always be respected and preserved from all violence and exploitation
V That the nations of the earth, through knowledge and mutual respect, may grow in harmony and peace.
V Especially give thanks to God for the gift of a parish school and ask his help as we continue to grow and prosper
V May Our Lord grant us all the graces we need and desire
Saint John the Evangelist Catholic School
1730 W. 12th Street Loveland, Co 80537 970.635.5830
Saint John the Evangelist School does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color or national or ethnic origin