Extra! Extra!
Kristen Adlhoch Tackles Therapy with Characteristic Strength and Smiles!
Hospital Food … Interesting!
Craig Hospital, Englewood, CO – I spent yesterday evening and today with Kristen, attending all of her physical and occupational therapy sessions, and “extra curricular” classes. Today was a busy day!
It started with Kris missing Fitness Class due to a miscommunication among the morning nurses – they didn’t get Kristen in her wheelchair and give her her morning medicine until a half hour after class started. We missed some sort of wheelchair soccer game that sounded fun – and they would have let me play!
Physical therapy (PT) was next. Kristen learned how to transfer herself from the wheelchair to a raised mat without the slide board. Then she spent half an hour getting stretched by the therapist and her father. (Kristen’s father, not the therapist’s.) During the stretching there was a lot of discussion about what we need to do to Kristen-proof our house. Those of you who have seen our two-storey-shower-only-on-the-second-floor house can imagine it will not be easy. Maybe Angel will get that new house she is always looking for? After stretching, the therapist strapped some electrodes to Kristen’s thighs to see if her muscles would respond to electrical impulses. They did, and it was amusing to watch the muscles wiggle and jump. This is a good sign, and means they will enroll Kris in a bicycling class starting next week. Apparently they will stimulate her muscles with electricity while she rides the bike – sounds more like torture than therapy to me.
Recreational therapy (T-Rec) was next. These folks purport to be the most fun people in the hospital. Last weekend we tie-dyed shirts with them. Yesterday they held a casino night. A couple times a week they bring dogs in for animal therapy. Saturday they will take Kristen and several other patients to the mall. Today’s meeting was just informational.
Somewhere in there we did a load of wash and ate lunch. Kris ordered the catfish, and received a large white plate with a slab of breaded catfish on it. No frills or side of parsley here.
After lunch we went to occupational therapy (OT). So far, there is not a lot of difference between PT and OT. During today’s hour Kristen learned to place various pillows and pads under her body and turn herself from side to side while laying on a large mat – a task now done by the nursing staff. Eventually she will be given a larger bed and will be expected to take care of her own comfort needs.
Between OT and Wheelchair Hyjinx one of the staff readjusted Kristen’s wheelchair. Apparently the axel was too far back and she could not do a proper wheelie. And yes, wheelies are VERY IMPORTANT here. You can’t graduate without knowing how to do them. Imagine pedaling a unicycle with your hands – kind of the same thing. Kristen was expected to travel twice the length of the gym in wheelie mode – not allowing the training wheels to touch ground. (See a short video of her doing this on her Facebook page. While you’re there, say “hi” to her – she appreciates that.) Another patient who has been at this a little longer was expected to maneuver a swerving course of tightly packed traffic cones in wheelie mode. Then we went outside to have a wheelchair race. This was really about racing against yourself and beating your previous time. However, Kristen – who had never done the course before – came within 12 seconds of beating the other two, more experienced patients. The course included a long downhill slope with many twists and turns (some 90 degrees) and then – you guessed it – a torturous return to the top. After the race, we went back inside and they were expected to descend a small flight of stairs – backwards, and in a controlled fashion (otherwise it would be fairly easy). They had help this time, but will learn to do it on their own. (Again, see a short video on Kristen’s Facebook page.)
We ran into Kristen’s doctor twice in the hallway today. We chatted with him for some time; he even drew a curious stick-figure-like schematic of Kristen’s spine to make some interesting points. Last night in the shower and again in bed Kristen’s legs experienced spasms. This is the first internal movement she has had in them in 2 weeks. The doctor explained that this is expected and may be a good sign or may be just a meaningless reflex (in either case, it is not a bad sign). I won’t go into the details – you’d need to see the stick figure spine drawing to understand them. He also told us that he will schedule another MRI for Kristen next week. He is anxious to see if there are any differences since the previous one done in Honolulu.
Dinner was interesting. Kristen had chicken strips with sweet and sour sauce that she said tasted like Mexican food. I had a stuffed bell pepper, which looked like something Calvin would not have eaten.
As I write, Kristen is studying for one of her finals. (All of her friends at Benedictine better be doing the same! You hear that Mariah? Margaret? Taryn?) Other than that, her spirits are high.
We are all looking forward to a white Christmas since we can’t travel to Phoenix. We will miss all of our family and friends there but will be thinking of them throughout the holiday. If we are really lucky, the doctor will let Kristen come home for a day at a time later this month so we don’t have to sing carols and open presents in the hospital, and we can schedule an “open house” for all her Colorado friends to stop by and see her.
Joe, Angel, Kristen & Lauren
We are a Catholic school in Loveland, Colorado with over 55 years of experience of providing our students with the very best Christ-centered education. We strive to teach the whole person by maintaining high academic standards as well as guiding the student's spiritual walk of faith within a loving and supportive environment. If you would like more information or want to schedule a visit, please contact the office at: (970) 635-5830 or through the website www.school.saintjohns.net
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
St John the Evangelist Catholic School Chronicle
St John the Evangelist Catholic School Chronicle
December 3, 2010
Advent Blessings!
Ms. Wood's Kindergarten finds out the true meaning of candy canes.
Look at a CANDY CANE, what do you see?
Stripes that are RED like the BLOOD shed for me!
WHITE for my Savior, Who's sinless and pure!
"J" is for JESUS, My Lord that's for sure!
Turn it around And a staff you will see ---
Jesus, my SHEPHERD, Is coming for me!
Kristen Adlhoch graduated from Saint John the Evangelist school 4 years ago. She is now a freshman at Benedictine College. While surfing on vacation in Hawaii with her family, she somehow injured her back. Toward the end of her lesson, she mentioned that her leg felt funny but continued for one more time in. When they were walking out to the car, she said that her legs both felt like they were somewhat numb, as though they were asleep. A few steps later, her legs gave out from under her. She did not fall hard or hurt herself then but she wasn't able to get up. Her parents took her to the hospital and they diagnosed her as having surfer's myelopathy. It is named this because it seems to only affect a person who is new to surfing. She was flown by medivac to Queen's Medical Center in Honolulu because it is the only place in Hawaii that serves this condition. It is a very rare condition and although well documented they do not really understand what really causes it or how to treat it. It is probably somehow related to how she was standing on the surfboard which may have cut off her blood supply. Her doctor said that Kristen is only the 19th patient with this condition in the 12-13 years since it has been named.
Thursday she flew from Hawaii to Craig hospital in Denver. Her status remains the same.
She believes in the power of prayer, and could use as many people as possible praying for her, so please pass this on to all that might pray for her. If you would like to help her family out by donating scrip for King Sooper (Gas & Groceries), Chipotle located right by the hospital or any other donation we will be getting things together here in the office. Please feel free to donate whatever you would like. We hope to get a fund started for her family at Home State Bank, and will keep you posted in case you prefer to donate there.
Saturday, December 4 from 12:30-1:30
Saint John’s Band will be performing at Barnes & Noble. Please have band students their at 12:15. Please wear your uniform shirt with any pair of pants.
Sunday, December 5, @1:30pm – 2nd and 3rd Grade Students performing at Barnes & Noble Book Fair
We will be singing a few songs at the St. John's Barnes and Noble event. This is a great chance to show the community how awesome you are and also to get a pre-concert run-through of some of your songs for the December 9 concert. Please be at the Crossroads Barns and Noble by 1:15 and expect to stay about 45 minutes. I am told that there is a story time right after our time slot, so we should have a good audience.
Please wear your uniform shirt with any pair of pants.
Thursday, December 9, 2010 @ 6:30pm – K through 5 and Chosen MS Students: CHRISTMAS Concert
Please have students at their places in the Church by 6:15 (There will be directions posted). Dress is ‘Sunday Best’ and I ask that all students’ coats/hats/gloves be left with their parents. The concert will last approximately one and a half hours and include band and strings.
Saturday, December 11, 2010 @ 2:30pm and/or 5:00pm – 2010 Sculpture in the Dark Parade of Lights
Get the word out about how incredible it is here at St. Johns is everybody’s responsibility and what better way to highlight that we are a Community that puts Christ first during Christmas than by singing CHRISTMAS songs in a parade. Please make the time to come help decorate the Float and practice some music in front of the Gym Foyer at 2:30 (Bring all your extra Christmas Decorations – and your voice) The parade will be in Downtown Loveland from 5pm - 6pm (http://www.engagingloveland.org/news/135-sculpture-in-the-dark-snow-sculptures-and-more)We are in need of a few items for our float that I’m hoping can be donated/loaned:
***A Generator to plug lights into Christmas Lights-Other Christmas Decorations.
Please e-mail Mr. Bradberry if you and/or your family plan on attending, or if you have some Christmas items to donate/loan. Jason.bradberry@saintjohns.net
CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK January 30- February 5, 2011
It is that time of year again to start thinking about Catholic Schools Week. The CSW committee is looking for volunteers to help make this week a success. CSW will take place January 30th-Feb. 4th. Please contact Briana Lasher at brianalasher@comcast.net if you are interested in helping plan this fun filled week celebrating the reason we all send our children to St. Johns!
If you would like to order shirts or other merchandise to support Catholic Schools week please go to our website to see the order form.
Please order your yearbook now. You can order online at: http://shop.jostens.com/yrbk_catalog.asp?cid=209518&pfid=2010082004592468089 We will not be ordering extra and we would hate to have disappointed students.
Would you like to save money on your tuition bill? YOU CAN! Utilizing the SCRIP program is your answer! It doesn’t matter if you pay monthly or yearly: You will save! Call the school office with questions and start “Scrip-ping” today. Walgreens scrip will be here next week!! Don’t forget we have great restraint scrip too. Youalso have time to place your special order for Christmas.
Christmas Ornament
Thank you for your support of the Christmas Ornament this year. Sales have been fabulous and we are down to 3-4 left. They will be filled first come first serve and we will not be reordering this year.
Thanks again for the fantastic support!
Papa Murphy's nights for December
December 8th and December 22nd, visit either of Papa Murphy's two locations in Loveland, and they will donate 25% of your order to St. Johns PTO. Don't forget to tell them you are from St. Johns when you are checking out. Papa Murphy's Papa Murphy's 1131 Eagle Drive 986 E. Eisenhower Blvd.Loveland, CO 80537 Loveland, CO 80537 Thanks to all who have been participating! We appreciate the support!
Barnes & Noble Book Fair
This weekend, December 4 & 5, is our annual book fair at Barnes & Noble. Please come out to the Loveland Centerra Barnes & Noble and help support our school! Be sure to buy your scrip today or at Mass so you get to benefit yourself and the school! We are still in need of volunteers to work at the Information Table and Gift Wrapping Station. We especially need volunteers during the following shifts:Saturday, Dec. 4Information Table: 3-5 p.m., 5-7 p.m., 7-9 p.m.Gift Wrap: 1-3 p.m., 3-5 p.m., 5-7 p.m., 7-9 p.m.Sunday, Dec. 5Information Table: 9-11 a.m., 5-7 p.m., 7-9 p.m.Gift Wrap: 1-3 p.m., 5-7 p.m., 7-9 p.m.If you can volunteer to help during any of these times, we would greatly appreciate it! Just log on to the Saint John's website, and click on "Barnes & Noble Book Fair" under Volunteer Opportunities.We hope to see you this weekend at the Book Fair. Don't forget to bring your vouchers and get your Christmas shopping done, too!
Here’s what you need to know!
When: December 6th and 7th
Where: The Hallway of the New Gym
Who: All St. John’s students will have a chance to shop for gifts for their family! This is a great opportunity for the kids to be involved in the season of giving.
How: Here’s how it works:
1. Talk with your children about who to buy for and how much money they will have to send. Gift items range from $.25-$6.00
2. Fill out the envelope by putting a checkmark next to the people for whom your children will be shopping for along with their name so we know who to address the gift to. Every item will be gift wrapped and labeled.
3. Write the total dollar amount you are sending in on the envelope. If there is money left over it will be sent back home with your child in the envelope or you can write donation on the envelope and we’ll put what is left in the PTO fund. Remember to send your money with your child on Dec. 6th or 7thth. Teachers can arrange to collect envelopes early (especially for the Monday shoppers). They will be shopping during class – see attached schedule. Cash is preferable, however, if a check is sent please make it out to St. John’s PTO.
4. We will have Shopper Helpers to assist the children (especially the younger ones). The children will only be allowed to shop for those people on the list that have been selected. The Shopper Helpers will make sure that everyone who is on the list gets a gift.
5. If we have items left the shop will be open after school on the 7th and students may shop for whomever they like. Preschoolers are welcome to come then as well or anytime with a parent.
6. We need VOLUNTEERS to be gift wrappers and shopper helpers. You can sign up in the front office or call/email Bethany. This is a really fun time to interact with the St. John’s children, earn volunteer hours, and get to know some other parents.
7. GOING GREEN! If you have any reusable gift bags from stores or boutiques we welcome them. Just keep in mind if you receive a gift in a Helzburg bag don’t get your hopes upJ They can be dropped off in the front office.
If you have any questions please contact: Bethany Anderson 217-6724 bethanyjadeanderson@msn.com Blessings and Merry Christmas!
Santa Claus is Coming to…
Saint John’s
Knights of Columbus Hall
Join Santa for Breakfast on Saturday, December 11th
Santa will be making a special appearance to have breakfast with the St. John’s families and their friends! There will be three breakfast sittings, so that everyone will be able to have time with Santa. The all-you-can eat pancake breakfast is $5.00 per person (under two free) and includes a free photo with Santa (one per family).
50% of proceeds benefit the preschool program.
Also, be sure to check out the Cookie Exchange.
Breakfast with Santa – December 11
Family Name: _______________________
Number of Tickets: _______________________
Amount Enclosed: $__________ ($5.00 each; under 2 yrs, free)
Email: ______________________ (you will receive an email confirmation)
Please return reservation and money by December 8, 2010
Breakfast Sitting: ____ 8:00 – 9:00 a.m.
____ 9:00 – 10:00 a.m.
____ 10:00 – 11:00 a.m.
O God, bless our family and all its members and friends;bind us together by your love.
Give us kindness and patience to support each other;and wisdom in all we do.
Let the gift of your peace come into our hearts and remain with us.
May we rejoice in your blessings.
V Pray for Kristen Adlhoch and her family as they persevere through this accident
V May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
V Pray that the family may be respected by all in its identity, and that its irreplaceable contribution to all of society be recognized.
V Pray for that the Church may offer new generations, through the believable proclamation of the Gospel, ever-new reasons of life and hope.
V That Christians may contribute to alleviating the material and spiritual suffering of AIDS patients, especially in the poorest countries.
V That children and young people may be messengers of the Gospel and that their dignity may always be respected and preserved from all violence and exploitation
V That the nations of the earth, through knowledge and mutual respect, may grow in harmony and peace.
V Especially give thanks to God for the gift of a parish school and ask his help as we continue to grow and prosper
V May Our Lord grant us all the graces we need and desire
Saint John the Evangelist School does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color or national or ethnic origin
December 3, 2010
Advent Blessings!
Ms. Wood's Kindergarten finds out the true meaning of candy canes.
Look at a CANDY CANE, what do you see?
Stripes that are RED like the BLOOD shed for me!
WHITE for my Savior, Who's sinless and pure!
"J" is for JESUS, My Lord that's for sure!
Turn it around And a staff you will see ---
Jesus, my SHEPHERD, Is coming for me!
Kristen Adlhoch graduated from Saint John the Evangelist school 4 years ago. She is now a freshman at Benedictine College. While surfing on vacation in Hawaii with her family, she somehow injured her back. Toward the end of her lesson, she mentioned that her leg felt funny but continued for one more time in. When they were walking out to the car, she said that her legs both felt like they were somewhat numb, as though they were asleep. A few steps later, her legs gave out from under her. She did not fall hard or hurt herself then but she wasn't able to get up. Her parents took her to the hospital and they diagnosed her as having surfer's myelopathy. It is named this because it seems to only affect a person who is new to surfing. She was flown by medivac to Queen's Medical Center in Honolulu because it is the only place in Hawaii that serves this condition. It is a very rare condition and although well documented they do not really understand what really causes it or how to treat it. It is probably somehow related to how she was standing on the surfboard which may have cut off her blood supply. Her doctor said that Kristen is only the 19th patient with this condition in the 12-13 years since it has been named.
Thursday she flew from Hawaii to Craig hospital in Denver. Her status remains the same.
She believes in the power of prayer, and could use as many people as possible praying for her, so please pass this on to all that might pray for her. If you would like to help her family out by donating scrip for King Sooper (Gas & Groceries), Chipotle located right by the hospital or any other donation we will be getting things together here in the office. Please feel free to donate whatever you would like. We hope to get a fund started for her family at Home State Bank, and will keep you posted in case you prefer to donate there.
Saturday, December 4 from 12:30-1:30
Saint John’s Band will be performing at Barnes & Noble. Please have band students their at 12:15. Please wear your uniform shirt with any pair of pants.
Sunday, December 5, @1:30pm – 2nd and 3rd Grade Students performing at Barnes & Noble Book Fair
We will be singing a few songs at the St. John's Barnes and Noble event. This is a great chance to show the community how awesome you are and also to get a pre-concert run-through of some of your songs for the December 9 concert. Please be at the Crossroads Barns and Noble by 1:15 and expect to stay about 45 minutes. I am told that there is a story time right after our time slot, so we should have a good audience.
Please wear your uniform shirt with any pair of pants.
Thursday, December 9, 2010 @ 6:30pm – K through 5 and Chosen MS Students: CHRISTMAS Concert
Please have students at their places in the Church by 6:15 (There will be directions posted). Dress is ‘Sunday Best’ and I ask that all students’ coats/hats/gloves be left with their parents. The concert will last approximately one and a half hours and include band and strings.
Saturday, December 11, 2010 @ 2:30pm and/or 5:00pm – 2010 Sculpture in the Dark Parade of Lights
Get the word out about how incredible it is here at St. Johns is everybody’s responsibility and what better way to highlight that we are a Community that puts Christ first during Christmas than by singing CHRISTMAS songs in a parade. Please make the time to come help decorate the Float and practice some music in front of the Gym Foyer at 2:30 (Bring all your extra Christmas Decorations – and your voice) The parade will be in Downtown Loveland from 5pm - 6pm (http://www.engagingloveland.org/news/135-sculpture-in-the-dark-snow-sculptures-and-more)We are in need of a few items for our float that I’m hoping can be donated/loaned:
***A Generator to plug lights into Christmas Lights-Other Christmas Decorations.
Please e-mail Mr. Bradberry if you and/or your family plan on attending, or if you have some Christmas items to donate/loan. Jason.bradberry@saintjohns.net
CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK January 30- February 5, 2011
It is that time of year again to start thinking about Catholic Schools Week. The CSW committee is looking for volunteers to help make this week a success. CSW will take place January 30th-Feb. 4th. Please contact Briana Lasher at brianalasher@comcast.net if you are interested in helping plan this fun filled week celebrating the reason we all send our children to St. Johns!
If you would like to order shirts or other merchandise to support Catholic Schools week please go to our website to see the order form.
Please order your yearbook now. You can order online at: http://shop.jostens.com/yrbk_catalog.asp?cid=209518&pfid=2010082004592468089 We will not be ordering extra and we would hate to have disappointed students.
Would you like to save money on your tuition bill? YOU CAN! Utilizing the SCRIP program is your answer! It doesn’t matter if you pay monthly or yearly: You will save! Call the school office with questions and start “Scrip-ping” today. Walgreens scrip will be here next week!! Don’t forget we have great restraint scrip too. Youalso have time to place your special order for Christmas.
Christmas Ornament
Thank you for your support of the Christmas Ornament this year. Sales have been fabulous and we are down to 3-4 left. They will be filled first come first serve and we will not be reordering this year.
Thanks again for the fantastic support!
Papa Murphy's nights for December
December 8th and December 22nd, visit either of Papa Murphy's two locations in Loveland, and they will donate 25% of your order to St. Johns PTO. Don't forget to tell them you are from St. Johns when you are checking out. Papa Murphy's Papa Murphy's 1131 Eagle Drive 986 E. Eisenhower Blvd.Loveland, CO 80537 Loveland, CO 80537 Thanks to all who have been participating! We appreciate the support!
Barnes & Noble Book Fair
This weekend, December 4 & 5, is our annual book fair at Barnes & Noble. Please come out to the Loveland Centerra Barnes & Noble and help support our school! Be sure to buy your scrip today or at Mass so you get to benefit yourself and the school! We are still in need of volunteers to work at the Information Table and Gift Wrapping Station. We especially need volunteers during the following shifts:Saturday, Dec. 4Information Table: 3-5 p.m., 5-7 p.m., 7-9 p.m.Gift Wrap: 1-3 p.m., 3-5 p.m., 5-7 p.m., 7-9 p.m.Sunday, Dec. 5Information Table: 9-11 a.m., 5-7 p.m., 7-9 p.m.Gift Wrap: 1-3 p.m., 5-7 p.m., 7-9 p.m.If you can volunteer to help during any of these times, we would greatly appreciate it! Just log on to the Saint John's website, and click on "Barnes & Noble Book Fair" under Volunteer Opportunities.We hope to see you this weekend at the Book Fair. Don't forget to bring your vouchers and get your Christmas shopping done, too!
Here’s what you need to know!
When: December 6th and 7th
Where: The Hallway of the New Gym
Who: All St. John’s students will have a chance to shop for gifts for their family! This is a great opportunity for the kids to be involved in the season of giving.
How: Here’s how it works:
1. Talk with your children about who to buy for and how much money they will have to send. Gift items range from $.25-$6.00
2. Fill out the envelope by putting a checkmark next to the people for whom your children will be shopping for along with their name so we know who to address the gift to. Every item will be gift wrapped and labeled.
3. Write the total dollar amount you are sending in on the envelope. If there is money left over it will be sent back home with your child in the envelope or you can write donation on the envelope and we’ll put what is left in the PTO fund. Remember to send your money with your child on Dec. 6th or 7thth. Teachers can arrange to collect envelopes early (especially for the Monday shoppers). They will be shopping during class – see attached schedule. Cash is preferable, however, if a check is sent please make it out to St. John’s PTO.
4. We will have Shopper Helpers to assist the children (especially the younger ones). The children will only be allowed to shop for those people on the list that have been selected. The Shopper Helpers will make sure that everyone who is on the list gets a gift.
5. If we have items left the shop will be open after school on the 7th and students may shop for whomever they like. Preschoolers are welcome to come then as well or anytime with a parent.
6. We need VOLUNTEERS to be gift wrappers and shopper helpers. You can sign up in the front office or call/email Bethany. This is a really fun time to interact with the St. John’s children, earn volunteer hours, and get to know some other parents.
7. GOING GREEN! If you have any reusable gift bags from stores or boutiques we welcome them. Just keep in mind if you receive a gift in a Helzburg bag don’t get your hopes upJ They can be dropped off in the front office.
If you have any questions please contact: Bethany Anderson 217-6724 bethanyjadeanderson@msn.com Blessings and Merry Christmas!
Santa Claus is Coming to…
Saint John’s
Knights of Columbus Hall
Join Santa for Breakfast on Saturday, December 11th
Santa will be making a special appearance to have breakfast with the St. John’s families and their friends! There will be three breakfast sittings, so that everyone will be able to have time with Santa. The all-you-can eat pancake breakfast is $5.00 per person (under two free) and includes a free photo with Santa (one per family).
50% of proceeds benefit the preschool program.
Also, be sure to check out the Cookie Exchange.
Breakfast with Santa – December 11
Family Name: _______________________
Number of Tickets: _______________________
Amount Enclosed: $__________ ($5.00 each; under 2 yrs, free)
Email: ______________________ (you will receive an email confirmation)
Please return reservation and money by December 8, 2010
Breakfast Sitting: ____ 8:00 – 9:00 a.m.
____ 9:00 – 10:00 a.m.
____ 10:00 – 11:00 a.m.
O God, bless our family and all its members and friends;bind us together by your love.
Give us kindness and patience to support each other;and wisdom in all we do.
Let the gift of your peace come into our hearts and remain with us.
May we rejoice in your blessings.
V Pray for Kristen Adlhoch and her family as they persevere through this accident
V May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
V Pray that the family may be respected by all in its identity, and that its irreplaceable contribution to all of society be recognized.
V Pray for that the Church may offer new generations, through the believable proclamation of the Gospel, ever-new reasons of life and hope.
V That Christians may contribute to alleviating the material and spiritual suffering of AIDS patients, especially in the poorest countries.
V That children and young people may be messengers of the Gospel and that their dignity may always be respected and preserved from all violence and exploitation
V That the nations of the earth, through knowledge and mutual respect, may grow in harmony and peace.
V Especially give thanks to God for the gift of a parish school and ask his help as we continue to grow and prosper
V May Our Lord grant us all the graces we need and desire
Saint John the Evangelist School does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color or national or ethnic origin
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Today's Letter to the Editor, Reporter Herald
To the Editor:
I’m thankful that the Thompson School Board denied Loveland Classical School’s charter application earlier this week. Our community shouldn’t use taxpayer money to fund another new school. Loveland already has 30 public schools, 1 charter school, and at least 4 private schools, not to mention the many homeschool associations and online options for families who still can’t find the right fit. I’m a parent who has researched my choices because I desperately want the best for my children too.
I want to take this opportunity to highlight a small school that is often overlooked, but which has been successfully educating Loveland’s children for over 50 years. This K-8 school has rigorous academics (our alumni are consistently at the top of their high school classes), small class sizes, excellent arts and technology programs, a growing athletic department (our alumni are competitive at the high school level), and a daily focus on character development and citizenship through service and witness to Christ. My oldest son started preschool at St. John the Evangelist Catholic School seven years ago and presently all 3 of my children attend and continue to thrive at St. John’s.
Catholic School isn’t a free ride. We rely heavily on parent involvement and volunteerism. From tutoring, to fundraising, to helping in the lunchroom (which is always homemade!), to serving on steering and planning committees, our families volunteer over 10,000 hours each year. Yes, Catholic School costs money too – there’s no getting around that point. Did you know that the majority of families who send their children to St. John’s aren’t financially wealthy? We all make sacrifices of our time, talent, and treasure because we understand that giving our children an education at St. John the Evangelist Catholic School isn’t about the cost – it’s about making an investment in their future.
So, I challenge parents who are dissatisfied with education. You have many choices already, many that aren’t all that different from what the new charter school desires to provide. Why not take another look at Catholic Schools?
Nichole Rottinghaus
Loveland, Colorado
I’m thankful that the Thompson School Board denied Loveland Classical School’s charter application earlier this week. Our community shouldn’t use taxpayer money to fund another new school. Loveland already has 30 public schools, 1 charter school, and at least 4 private schools, not to mention the many homeschool associations and online options for families who still can’t find the right fit. I’m a parent who has researched my choices because I desperately want the best for my children too.
I want to take this opportunity to highlight a small school that is often overlooked, but which has been successfully educating Loveland’s children for over 50 years. This K-8 school has rigorous academics (our alumni are consistently at the top of their high school classes), small class sizes, excellent arts and technology programs, a growing athletic department (our alumni are competitive at the high school level), and a daily focus on character development and citizenship through service and witness to Christ. My oldest son started preschool at St. John the Evangelist Catholic School seven years ago and presently all 3 of my children attend and continue to thrive at St. John’s.
Catholic School isn’t a free ride. We rely heavily on parent involvement and volunteerism. From tutoring, to fundraising, to helping in the lunchroom (which is always homemade!), to serving on steering and planning committees, our families volunteer over 10,000 hours each year. Yes, Catholic School costs money too – there’s no getting around that point. Did you know that the majority of families who send their children to St. John’s aren’t financially wealthy? We all make sacrifices of our time, talent, and treasure because we understand that giving our children an education at St. John the Evangelist Catholic School isn’t about the cost – it’s about making an investment in their future.
So, I challenge parents who are dissatisfied with education. You have many choices already, many that aren’t all that different from what the new charter school desires to provide. Why not take another look at Catholic Schools?
Nichole Rottinghaus
Loveland, Colorado
Friday, October 8, 2010
St John the Evangelist Catholic School Chronicle

St John the Evangelist Catholic School Chronicle
October 8, 2010
October 8, 2010
Dear St. John’s School Families,
What a terrific and busy week this has been! How I appreciate all that each of you have done to make it such!
Parents, who were drivers to Denver Monday and Friday, you know our students could not have had the special experiences they had without your sacrifice of volunteering to transport us to the FOCUS 11 and the KING TUT and SCIENCE/MATH/TECH exhibit.
Staff accomplished so much the afternoon of the early release day. The staff and I really enjoyed the delicious luncheon you served us.
Our FALL FIELD DAY could not have gone more smoothly. A huge thank you to Mrs. Thomas for doing so much to plan and organize this event. All students were involved all of the time as they practiced speaking Spanish that Mrs. Garcia had taught them. Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Garcia teamed to make this a priority. Students had fun and yet learned at the same time. God heard our prayers and blessed us with a beautiful warm/hot (?) day. It was a great day for a family picnic. I received comments that this may have been the best field day ever.
A special THANK YOU to those women who came to move the wood chips after field day! The playground, the children and I are grateful.
Parents, your attendance and involvement in all of our school activities are such a blessing. What a wonderful school community we have here at Saint Johns!
Enjoy Monday, no school as it is Columbus Day.
We have had a few complaints from our neighbors that some cars are speeding down 12th street when driving into the school in the morning. Please leave home a few minutes early so that you are not feeling pressed to drive over the speed limit. This will keep our students, our families and our neighbors safe.
PLEASE Join Our Volunteer Team for the 2010 Book Fair (October 8th - October 15)
Like to organize and put things in place? Have a knack for securing sponsorships within our community?
Are you creative with signs and decorations? Could you set up or help pack things up?
Are you good at assisting shoppers pick the best books? Then we need you! Your support is welcomed in any capacity. Please sign up on the school web page.
Congratulations to the following Alumni that inducted into the National Honor Society at Thompson Valley High School
Lauren Adlhoch, Courtney Bell, Abigail Colpitts, Michael McKenna, Aimee Molloy, Amy Settle, Olivia Todd and returning again Danielle Zink.
Would you like to save money on your tuition bill? YOU CAN! Utilizing the SCRIP program is your answer! It doesn’t matter if you pay monthly or yearly: You will save! Call the school office with questions and start “Scrip-ping” today.
Safe Environment Training for all new volunteers:
Ft. Collins
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish5450 South Lemay AvenuePlease RSVP to 970.226.1303 x13
Saturday, 10/9/20109:00 a.m.
Ft. Collins
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish5450 South Lemay AvenuePlease RSVP to 970.226.1303 x13
Saturday, 10/23/20109:00 to 11:00 a.m
These are the upcoming events for our middle school students.
October 14th – Confirmation Parent meeting in Mrs. Siedenburg’s room 6:30pm.
October 15th – Parent teacher conferences.
October 16th – 8th grade Speech Meet
October 28th – Holy Family visits the 8th grade.
October 29th – No school. Cooperative Staff Development
Early November – St. Walburga retreat 7th and 8th grades. We will need chaperones and drivers for the day.
A FUN-raising good time for all of the family!!
Volunteer Opportunities: The volunteer sign up form is available on the school website, you can run a game or sign up to help in other capacities.
Supplies Needed: Please bring the following items to the office according to your child's grade:
Pre-school- 2nd Grade: A bag of candy; 3rd-5th Grade: (3) cans of Pringles; 6th-8th Grade: (3) large bottles of Soda Cake Walk Goodies: Please bring baked goods to the school on Friday Oct. 22nd or to the Rotunda area Sat. Oct.23th from 1-3pm.
yers in your prayers that they have the strength, wisdom and sportsmanship to play the best they can.
· Please check the lost and found table! It is getting full
· Please call the office if your child will be missing school or late, Thank you!
Father Jose Maria Quera visited the Kindergarten yesterday to bless their “animals” and talk about Saint Francis of Assisi. The children really enjoyed having Father Jose Maria bless their animals.
Catholics worldwide celebrate the Feast of St Francis of Assisi on October 4 each year. The feast commemorates the life of St Francis, who was born in the 12th century and is the Catholic Church’s patron saint of animals and the environment.
6th meets Junior Kindergarten
Sixth grade met their Junior Kindergarten buddies this week. There was a lot of excitement for both classes.” Buddies” attend weekly Mass together, work on service projects and develop friendships throughout the school year.
Parent/Teacher Conferences are now open for online signup
Log in to the school website.
Once logged in to the site, two links will appear in the top portion of every page of the website as well as the right sidebar.
Select “Available Conferences (a link to all available conferences).
At this point, you are presented with a list of all teachers with available conferences. To narrow your choices by teacher, simply select the teachers with whom you would like a conference and select ” apply”.
You will now see a list of the available conferences related only to the teachers with whom you would like a conference.
Select the time slot you would like to reserve. Enter your name. Select “sign up”.
Once you have reserved a conference time-slot, you will receive an email confirmation. You can view your reservations from the “My Conferences” link appearing at the top of every page within the site as well as the right sidebar.
To cancel your parent/teacher conference signups:
Log in to the school website.
Select “My Conferences” (link appearing on the top of every page within the site as well as the right sidebar). Select the parent/teacher conference you wish to cancel.
Select “Edit Signup”. Select “Cancel Signup”.
O God, bless our family and all its members and friends;bind us together by your love. Give us kindness and patience to support each other;and wisdom in all we do. Let the gift of your peace come into our hearts and remain with us.
May we rejoice in your blessings.
V Please keep Kathy Fischer in your prayers as she undergoes surgery October 12th
V May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
V Pray that the family may be respected by all in its identity, and that its irreplaceable contribution to all of society be recognized.
V Pray for that the Church may offer new generations, through the believable proclamation of the Gospel, ever-new reasons of life and hope.
V That Christians may contribute to alleviating the material and spiritual suffering of AIDS patients, especially in the poorest countries.
V That children and young people may be messengers of the Gospel and that their dignity may always be respected and preserved from all violence and exploitation
V That the nations of the earth, through knowledge and mutual respect, may grow in harmony and peace.
V Especially give thanks to God for the gift of a parish school and ask his help as we continue to grow and prosper
V May Our Lord grant us all the graces we need and desire
Saint John the Evangelist Catholic School
1730 W. 12th Street Loveland, Co 80537 970.635.5830
Saint John the Evangelist School does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color or national or ethnic origin
Friday, September 17, 2010
September 17, 2010
St John the Evangelist Catholic School Chronicle
September 17, 2010
Dear St. John’s School Families,
It is with great pleasure that I take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation to each of you for supporting these special events. Our Gala and Golf Tourney truly speak to the unique and dedicated spirit of our Saint John's Community. What a celebration the Gala was! Both of these events benefit our parish and school in many ways. Coming together as one big family to enjoy being together for "feast and fun" certainly builds UNITY. The Fountains of LOVEland couldn't been a more fitting venue.
It was exciting to see the beautiful and creative baskets that were up for bid last Saturday night. Thank you to everyone who contributed to create the baskets. Much planning, time and energy definitely took place. While it is difficult to specifically thank those who gave so much to make this happen, I might begin my thanking the sponsors, teachers, and chairpersons of each area of responsibility.
Lexy Donnelly, Samantha Sweeney, Robin Martinek, Christian Lasher and Suzy Crane along with the Gala and Golf Committees are to be congratulated for the success of this entire event. How grateful we are to have had you put your hearts and souls in to making this a memorable and outstanding FUNd-raising GALA and Golf Tourney.
May many blessings be yoursfor your generosity.
Lois Schmitt
Beloved Parishioners, Families and Friends,
Many months of preparation have borne great fruit! Parents, volunteers, benefactors and teachers alike gathered for the parish’s annual gala. A morning round of golf preceded this year’s theme, “Hollywood Nights”—highlighted by a delicious dinner, a “Walk of Fame” (stars and all) and a silent auction and raffle which brought excitement to all in attendance.
My sincerest thanks to each and every one of you for your tremendous support of our parish and school. We have been blessed by our parent committee members of the PTO and SAC committees (Kathleen Klenk, John Kraljic, et.al.). Special thanks to Hamid and Janice Eslan for providing us this beautiful venue at “The Fountains”, and to our corporate sponsors, Drs. Louis Gerken and Katie Galm of Pediatric Dentistry of Loveland and Highland Meadows Golf Course for their generous support of the gala. Thank you to all of the parents that donated the beautiful baskets and all of the gift cards. An especially big thank you to Lexy Donnelly, Sam Sweeney ,Suzie Crane, Robin Martinek, Christian Lasher and the Golf & Gala committees who have all given so much of their support, time, talent and treasure that made the events possible.
My prayer is that the Lord blesses each of you and your families abundantly with great happiness! Thank you for your prayers and sacrifices that have made these parish-school events such a tremendous success. Praise God!
In Christ,
Rev. Francisco J. Garcia
School pictures will be this Thursday, September 23 from 9 to 11am. Students in grades PK – 8 will have their individual pictures taken on this date. Your child may dress in their Sunday best or their Mass uniform. Younger siblings, not in school yet may come in at 9:15 to have their picture taken. There will be a makeup date in October to accommodate the 4 year old preschool and retakes.
As per the Archdiocesan calendar, there will be a teacher cooperative staff development day on September 24. The teachers will be combining with other Archdiocese schools for training. There will be no classes for students.
Thank you parents for all you do to raise money for our school. We have heard there have been difficulties redeeming the bonus box tops online. Angie Luce would like to offer her assistance. If you are having troubles redeeming them or you just don't have the time to do it, email her (cade9598@msn.com) the code from the coupon and she will redeem them for your class. Write "REDEEMED" on your coupon and send it in with your other box tops and labels, so your class can have those counted into their totals.
Open Gym for Basketball
Beginning this week for grades 4-8 there will be open gym on Wednesdays from 3:15-4:00. This will continue thru September 22nd.
Boys Basketball Sign Ups
Basketball Sign ups are going on now. Please see Mrs. Thomas for paper work. The athletic fee is $100 per season. This is a change from last year. There are extras on the bulletin board in the rotunda. We do not have the numbers for a 5th grade boys team this year. Fifth grade will be allowed to play however, playtime is determined based on ability and game readiness. Practice begins October 6th!
Thank you to everyone for making the Gold C fundraiser a great success. The students sold over 500 books! The top sellers are:
1st - Claire Klenk with 36 books
2nd - Kaidan St. Louis with 28 books
3rd - Ryan Heesacker with 23 books
The books are on order, but unfortunately won't be here by Friday 9/17 as I originally thought. We should be distributing them next week, but if you absolutely need them this weekend please contact me as I do have some books available. I will group the books by family and send them home with one child.
Thanks for all of your hard work and patience as we work through the collection and distribution process.
Ann Pakenham annp722@yahoo.com
Attention Parents who purchased red polo shirts from Lands End before August 23
NEW for 2010/2011, parents can now purchase uniform polo shirts embroidered with the St. John’s logo from Lands End. Unfortunately, there was an error in the embroidery of the first few shirts purchased this fall. If you purchased red polo shirts from Lands End, please check the color of the words “St. John the Evangelist” in the logo. The text should be black, but some shirts were embroidered with white text. If you have shirts with the wrong color of embroidery, please return them to Lands End and they will replace the shirts with the corrected logo. Shirts can be returned online or at the Sears store in Fort Collins. Rest assured the problem has been fixed and any shirts that were purchased after August 23 should be correct. Please note, this only affects the red polo shirts. Navy polo shirts (middle school only) will have white text.
The Archdiocese of Denver is requesting that our school families participate in a district wide survey. This survey is in response to a recommendation from the district accreditation Quality Assurance Team that visited our schools in October 2009: “Replicate the brand development research study originally conducted in 2004-05 to extend the brand development process for the Archdiocese.”
For those of you making a substantial investment of time, talent, and treasure in our Catholic schools, it is important to receive your assessment of how well we are stewarding the generous resources you have invested.
For those of you entrusting your children to our Catholic schools, it is vital to hear from you because we serve as partners in the formation of your children.
This survey will help us “take another look” at how well we are serving our various stakeholders and assist us in our goal of continuous improvement.
If you are a family with school-age children enrolled in public or private schools, we would like to know your perceptions and level of knowledge about our Catholic schools, in light of our goal of attracting additional enrollment so that we are able to provide a quality Catholic education to as many students as possible.
For those of you who are parishioners and thus making a generous donation to our schools through a portion of your offertory contribution, we want to listen to you so that we are able to provide the maximum return on your investment.
This survey is very important to the future of our schools. In these very challenging times for all of education—public, private, and parochial—we need to know the level of satisfaction among those we serve in order to best serve and sustain this vital ministry of the Church.
Enrollment figures for the 2009-2010 school year indicate that nationwide there are 73,190 fewer students in Catholic schools, a 3.3 percent decrease from the previous academic year. Enrollment has declined 20.1 percent in Catholic schools since 2000. In order to help prevent or minimize school closings, it is important to know and understand the knowledge, perceptions, and satisfaction levels of the various stakeholder groups that attend and support our schools.
Thank you again for taking time to complete this survey. We anticipate it will take 8-15 minutes.
Our school provides families of our second through eighth grade students with an online grade reporting and academic progress communication tool through an online service called Edline.
If you have not registered your account on Edline (using the activation codes provided in a 9x6 manila envelope on the first day of school), please contact us for another copy of your activation code.
Once registered, there are two forms of content delivered by way of Edline.net:
Missing Work Reports:
Missing work reports are produced online every Friday. You will not receive a missing work report on Friday if:
1. No work is missing
2. Work is missing, but is not eligible for make-up
3. If you have not activated your Edline account
Progress Reports:
Homeroom teachers send printed progress reports home with students. In addition to the printed progress report, an online progress report is produced including details on each assignment related to your child's progress grade.
If you have registered, and have questions about Edline, please don’t hesitate to contact Samantha Sweeney, our Edline administrator by email to: sam.sweeney@saintjohns.net.
Imagine…“Whirled Peace” September 21, 2010
In today’s world, peace needs to become more than just a word. On September 21, 2010, St. John the Evangelist Catholic School plans to take part in an International art and literacy project, Pinwheels for Peace by “planting” pinwheels with messages of peace at grassy area by Sister Carolyn Hoying Gymnasium and in front of St. John the Evangelist Church.
Pinwheels for Peace is an art installation project started in 2005 by two Art teachers, Ann Ayers and Ellen McMillan, of Coconut Creek, Florida, as a way for students to express their feelings about what’s going on in the world and in their lives. In the first year, groups in over 1,325 locations throughout the world were spinning pinwheels on September 21st - there were approximately 500,000 pinwheels spinning throughout the world. Last year (year 4), 2010, over 3 million pinwheels were spinning in over 3,000 locations, including the United States, Europe, Asia, Australia, Canada, the Middle East, Africa and South America. Locally, Mrs. Brown will be coordinating the Pinwheels for Peace project this year.
This project is non-political – peace doesn’t necessarily have to be associated with the conflict of war, it can be related to violence/intolerance in our daily lives, to peace of mind. To each of us, peace can take on a different meaning, but, in the end, it all comes down to a simple definition: “a state of calm and serenity, with no anxiety, the absence of violence, freedom from conflict or disagreement among people or groups of people.”
St. John the Evangelist will create pinwheels, pinwheels of all shapes and sizes – as part of the creation process, the students will write their thoughts about "war and peace / tolerance/ living in harmony with others" on one side. On the other side, they will visually express their feelings. The students will assemble these pinwheels and on International Day of Peace they will "plant" their pinwheels by the Gym and Church as a public statement and art exhibit/installation.
On September 21, 2010, keep a lookout for the pinwheels – the spinning of the pinwheels in the wind will spread thoughts and feelings about peace throughout the country and the world!
For more information, go to http://www.pinwheelsforpeace.com or contact Mrs. Brown, 970.635.5868.
Both first grade classes worked on a 2-week unit learning the "lessons" in Fairy tale stories. They read several different versions of different fairytales and compared them. Fairy tales create images of fantastic other worlds; but they also pay close attention to real moral "laws" of character and virtue. On Friday they closed the chapter with Fairy Tale day. Beginning with a breakfast that they would have shared with The Three Bears….porridge of course!
O God, bless our family and all its members and friends;bind us together by your love. Give us kindness and patience to support each other;and wisdom in all we do. Let the gift of your peace come into our hearts and remain with us.
May we rejoice in your blessings.
V May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Please keep Deacon John Kunesmiller and his family in your prayers
V Pray that the family may be respected by all in its identity, and that its irreplaceable contribution to all of society be recognized.
V Pray for that the Church may offer new generations, through the believable proclamation of the Gospel, ever-new reasons of life and hope.
V That Christians may contribute to alleviating the material and spiritual suffering of AIDS patients, especially in the poorest countries.
V That children and young people may be messengers of the Gospel and that their dignity may always be respected and preserved from all violence and exploitation
V That the nations of the earth, through knowledge and mutual respect, may grow in harmony and peace.
V Especially give thanks to God for the gift of a parish school and ask his help as we continue to grow and prosper
V May Our Lord grant us all the graces we need and desire
Saint John the Evangelist Catholic School
1730 W. 12th Street Loveland, Co 80537 970.635.5830
Saint John the Evangelist School does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color or national or ethnic origin
September 17, 2010
Dear St. John’s School Families,
It is with great pleasure that I take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation to each of you for supporting these special events. Our Gala and Golf Tourney truly speak to the unique and dedicated spirit of our Saint John's Community. What a celebration the Gala was! Both of these events benefit our parish and school in many ways. Coming together as one big family to enjoy being together for "feast and fun" certainly builds UNITY. The Fountains of LOVEland couldn't been a more fitting venue.
It was exciting to see the beautiful and creative baskets that were up for bid last Saturday night. Thank you to everyone who contributed to create the baskets. Much planning, time and energy definitely took place. While it is difficult to specifically thank those who gave so much to make this happen, I might begin my thanking the sponsors, teachers, and chairpersons of each area of responsibility.
Lexy Donnelly, Samantha Sweeney, Robin Martinek, Christian Lasher and Suzy Crane along with the Gala and Golf Committees are to be congratulated for the success of this entire event. How grateful we are to have had you put your hearts and souls in to making this a memorable and outstanding FUNd-raising GALA and Golf Tourney.
May many blessings be yoursfor your generosity.
Lois Schmitt
Beloved Parishioners, Families and Friends,
Many months of preparation have borne great fruit! Parents, volunteers, benefactors and teachers alike gathered for the parish’s annual gala. A morning round of golf preceded this year’s theme, “Hollywood Nights”—highlighted by a delicious dinner, a “Walk of Fame” (stars and all) and a silent auction and raffle which brought excitement to all in attendance.
My sincerest thanks to each and every one of you for your tremendous support of our parish and school. We have been blessed by our parent committee members of the PTO and SAC committees (Kathleen Klenk, John Kraljic, et.al.). Special thanks to Hamid and Janice Eslan for providing us this beautiful venue at “The Fountains”, and to our corporate sponsors, Drs. Louis Gerken and Katie Galm of Pediatric Dentistry of Loveland and Highland Meadows Golf Course for their generous support of the gala. Thank you to all of the parents that donated the beautiful baskets and all of the gift cards. An especially big thank you to Lexy Donnelly, Sam Sweeney ,Suzie Crane, Robin Martinek, Christian Lasher and the Golf & Gala committees who have all given so much of their support, time, talent and treasure that made the events possible.
My prayer is that the Lord blesses each of you and your families abundantly with great happiness! Thank you for your prayers and sacrifices that have made these parish-school events such a tremendous success. Praise God!
In Christ,
Rev. Francisco J. Garcia
School pictures will be this Thursday, September 23 from 9 to 11am. Students in grades PK – 8 will have their individual pictures taken on this date. Your child may dress in their Sunday best or their Mass uniform. Younger siblings, not in school yet may come in at 9:15 to have their picture taken. There will be a makeup date in October to accommodate the 4 year old preschool and retakes.
As per the Archdiocesan calendar, there will be a teacher cooperative staff development day on September 24. The teachers will be combining with other Archdiocese schools for training. There will be no classes for students.
Thank you parents for all you do to raise money for our school. We have heard there have been difficulties redeeming the bonus box tops online. Angie Luce would like to offer her assistance. If you are having troubles redeeming them or you just don't have the time to do it, email her (cade9598@msn.com) the code from the coupon and she will redeem them for your class. Write "REDEEMED" on your coupon and send it in with your other box tops and labels, so your class can have those counted into their totals.
Open Gym for Basketball
Beginning this week for grades 4-8 there will be open gym on Wednesdays from 3:15-4:00. This will continue thru September 22nd.
Boys Basketball Sign Ups
Basketball Sign ups are going on now. Please see Mrs. Thomas for paper work. The athletic fee is $100 per season. This is a change from last year. There are extras on the bulletin board in the rotunda. We do not have the numbers for a 5th grade boys team this year. Fifth grade will be allowed to play however, playtime is determined based on ability and game readiness. Practice begins October 6th!
Thank you to everyone for making the Gold C fundraiser a great success. The students sold over 500 books! The top sellers are:
1st - Claire Klenk with 36 books
2nd - Kaidan St. Louis with 28 books
3rd - Ryan Heesacker with 23 books
The books are on order, but unfortunately won't be here by Friday 9/17 as I originally thought. We should be distributing them next week, but if you absolutely need them this weekend please contact me as I do have some books available. I will group the books by family and send them home with one child.
Thanks for all of your hard work and patience as we work through the collection and distribution process.
Ann Pakenham annp722@yahoo.com
Attention Parents who purchased red polo shirts from Lands End before August 23
NEW for 2010/2011, parents can now purchase uniform polo shirts embroidered with the St. John’s logo from Lands End. Unfortunately, there was an error in the embroidery of the first few shirts purchased this fall. If you purchased red polo shirts from Lands End, please check the color of the words “St. John the Evangelist” in the logo. The text should be black, but some shirts were embroidered with white text. If you have shirts with the wrong color of embroidery, please return them to Lands End and they will replace the shirts with the corrected logo. Shirts can be returned online or at the Sears store in Fort Collins. Rest assured the problem has been fixed and any shirts that were purchased after August 23 should be correct. Please note, this only affects the red polo shirts. Navy polo shirts (middle school only) will have white text.
The Archdiocese of Denver is requesting that our school families participate in a district wide survey. This survey is in response to a recommendation from the district accreditation Quality Assurance Team that visited our schools in October 2009: “Replicate the brand development research study originally conducted in 2004-05 to extend the brand development process for the Archdiocese.”
For those of you making a substantial investment of time, talent, and treasure in our Catholic schools, it is important to receive your assessment of how well we are stewarding the generous resources you have invested.
For those of you entrusting your children to our Catholic schools, it is vital to hear from you because we serve as partners in the formation of your children.
This survey will help us “take another look” at how well we are serving our various stakeholders and assist us in our goal of continuous improvement.
If you are a family with school-age children enrolled in public or private schools, we would like to know your perceptions and level of knowledge about our Catholic schools, in light of our goal of attracting additional enrollment so that we are able to provide a quality Catholic education to as many students as possible.
For those of you who are parishioners and thus making a generous donation to our schools through a portion of your offertory contribution, we want to listen to you so that we are able to provide the maximum return on your investment.
This survey is very important to the future of our schools. In these very challenging times for all of education—public, private, and parochial—we need to know the level of satisfaction among those we serve in order to best serve and sustain this vital ministry of the Church.
Enrollment figures for the 2009-2010 school year indicate that nationwide there are 73,190 fewer students in Catholic schools, a 3.3 percent decrease from the previous academic year. Enrollment has declined 20.1 percent in Catholic schools since 2000. In order to help prevent or minimize school closings, it is important to know and understand the knowledge, perceptions, and satisfaction levels of the various stakeholder groups that attend and support our schools.
Thank you again for taking time to complete this survey. We anticipate it will take 8-15 minutes.
Our school provides families of our second through eighth grade students with an online grade reporting and academic progress communication tool through an online service called Edline.
If you have not registered your account on Edline (using the activation codes provided in a 9x6 manila envelope on the first day of school), please contact us for another copy of your activation code.
Once registered, there are two forms of content delivered by way of Edline.net:
Missing Work Reports:
Missing work reports are produced online every Friday. You will not receive a missing work report on Friday if:
1. No work is missing
2. Work is missing, but is not eligible for make-up
3. If you have not activated your Edline account
Progress Reports:
Homeroom teachers send printed progress reports home with students. In addition to the printed progress report, an online progress report is produced including details on each assignment related to your child's progress grade.
If you have registered, and have questions about Edline, please don’t hesitate to contact Samantha Sweeney, our Edline administrator by email to: sam.sweeney@saintjohns.net.
Imagine…“Whirled Peace” September 21, 2010
In today’s world, peace needs to become more than just a word. On September 21, 2010, St. John the Evangelist Catholic School plans to take part in an International art and literacy project, Pinwheels for Peace by “planting” pinwheels with messages of peace at grassy area by Sister Carolyn Hoying Gymnasium and in front of St. John the Evangelist Church.
Pinwheels for Peace is an art installation project started in 2005 by two Art teachers, Ann Ayers and Ellen McMillan, of Coconut Creek, Florida, as a way for students to express their feelings about what’s going on in the world and in their lives. In the first year, groups in over 1,325 locations throughout the world were spinning pinwheels on September 21st - there were approximately 500,000 pinwheels spinning throughout the world. Last year (year 4), 2010, over 3 million pinwheels were spinning in over 3,000 locations, including the United States, Europe, Asia, Australia, Canada, the Middle East, Africa and South America. Locally, Mrs. Brown will be coordinating the Pinwheels for Peace project this year.
This project is non-political – peace doesn’t necessarily have to be associated with the conflict of war, it can be related to violence/intolerance in our daily lives, to peace of mind. To each of us, peace can take on a different meaning, but, in the end, it all comes down to a simple definition: “a state of calm and serenity, with no anxiety, the absence of violence, freedom from conflict or disagreement among people or groups of people.”
St. John the Evangelist will create pinwheels, pinwheels of all shapes and sizes – as part of the creation process, the students will write their thoughts about "war and peace / tolerance/ living in harmony with others" on one side. On the other side, they will visually express their feelings. The students will assemble these pinwheels and on International Day of Peace they will "plant" their pinwheels by the Gym and Church as a public statement and art exhibit/installation.
On September 21, 2010, keep a lookout for the pinwheels – the spinning of the pinwheels in the wind will spread thoughts and feelings about peace throughout the country and the world!
For more information, go to http://www.pinwheelsforpeace.com or contact Mrs. Brown, 970.635.5868.
Both first grade classes worked on a 2-week unit learning the "lessons" in Fairy tale stories. They read several different versions of different fairytales and compared them. Fairy tales create images of fantastic other worlds; but they also pay close attention to real moral "laws" of character and virtue. On Friday they closed the chapter with Fairy Tale day. Beginning with a breakfast that they would have shared with The Three Bears….porridge of course!
O God, bless our family and all its members and friends;bind us together by your love. Give us kindness and patience to support each other;and wisdom in all we do. Let the gift of your peace come into our hearts and remain with us.
May we rejoice in your blessings.
V May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Please keep Deacon John Kunesmiller and his family in your prayers
V Pray that the family may be respected by all in its identity, and that its irreplaceable contribution to all of society be recognized.
V Pray for that the Church may offer new generations, through the believable proclamation of the Gospel, ever-new reasons of life and hope.
V That Christians may contribute to alleviating the material and spiritual suffering of AIDS patients, especially in the poorest countries.
V That children and young people may be messengers of the Gospel and that their dignity may always be respected and preserved from all violence and exploitation
V That the nations of the earth, through knowledge and mutual respect, may grow in harmony and peace.
V Especially give thanks to God for the gift of a parish school and ask his help as we continue to grow and prosper
V May Our Lord grant us all the graces we need and desire
Saint John the Evangelist Catholic School
1730 W. 12th Street Loveland, Co 80537 970.635.5830
Saint John the Evangelist School does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color or national or ethnic origin
The Archdiocese of Denver is requesting that our school families participate in a district wide survey. This survey is in response to a recommendation from the district accreditation Quality Assurance Team that visited our schools in October 2009: “Replicate the brand development research study originally conducted in 2004-05 to extend the brand development process for the Archdiocese.”
For those of you making a substantial investment of time, talent, and treasure in our Catholic schools, it is important to receive your assessment of how well we are stewarding the generous resources you have invested.
For those of you entrusting your children to our Catholic schools, it is vital to hear from you because we serve as partners in the formation of your children.
This survey will help us “take another look” at how well we are serving our various stakeholders and assist us in our goal of continuous improvement.
If you are a family with school-age children enrolled in public or private schools, we would like to know your perceptions and level of knowledge about our Catholic schools, in light of our goal of attracting additional enrollment so that we are able to provide a quality Catholic education to as many students as possible.
For those of you who are parishioners and thus making a generous donation to our schools through a portion of your offertory contribution, we want to listen to you so that we are able to provide the maximum return on your investment.
This survey is very important to the future of our schools. In these very challenging times for all of education—public, private, and parochial—we need to know the level of satisfaction among those we serve in order to best serve and sustain this vital ministry of the Church.
Enrollment figures for the 2009-2010 school year indicate that nationwide there are 73,190 fewer students in Catholic schools, a 3.3 percent decrease from the previous academic year. Enrollment has declined 20.1 percent in Catholic schools since 2000. In order to help prevent or minimize school closings, it is important to know and understand the knowledge, perceptions, and satisfaction levels of the various stakeholder groups that attend and support our schools.
Thank you again for taking time to complete this survey. We anticipate it will take 8-15 minutes.
The Archdiocese of Denver is requesting that our school families participate in a district wide survey. This survey is in response to a recommendation from the district accreditation Quality Assurance Team that visited our schools in October 2009: “Replicate the brand development research study originally conducted in 2004-05 to extend the brand development process for the Archdiocese.”
For those of you making a substantial investment of time, talent, and treasure in our Catholic schools, it is important to receive your assessment of how well we are stewarding the generous resources you have invested.
For those of you entrusting your children to our Catholic schools, it is vital to hear from you because we serve as partners in the formation of your children.
This survey will help us “take another look” at how well we are serving our various stakeholders and assist us in our goal of continuous improvement.
If you are a family with school-age children enrolled in public or private schools, we would like to know your perceptions and level of knowledge about our Catholic schools, in light of our goal of attracting additional enrollment so that we are able to provide a quality Catholic education to as many students as possible.
For those of you who are parishioners and thus making a generous donation to our schools through a portion of your offertory contribution, we want to listen to you so that we are able to provide the maximum return on your investment.
This survey is very important to the future of our schools. In these very challenging times for all of education—public, private, and parochial—we need to know the level of satisfaction among those we serve in order to best serve and sustain this vital ministry of the Church.
Enrollment figures for the 2009-2010 school year indicate that nationwide there are 73,190 fewer students in Catholic schools, a 3.3 percent decrease from the previous academic year. Enrollment has declined 20.1 percent in Catholic schools since 2000. In order to help prevent or minimize school closings, it is important to know and understand the knowledge, perceptions, and satisfaction levels of the various stakeholder groups that attend and support our schools.
Thank you again for taking time to complete this survey. We anticipate it will take 8-15 minutes.
Friday, September 10, 2010
St John the Evangelist Catholic School Chronicle

St John the Evangelist Catholic School Chronicle
September 10, 2010
Dear St. John’s School Families,
Here at Saint John’s School and Parish each day goes very quickly. There is never a dull moment. What a happy, busy beehive it is! If you haven’t already heard from your child(ren) Wednesday brought a very special surprise. SISTER CAROLYN HOYING paid us an unexpected visit. I had the honor of introducing her to all of our students and teachers as she toured each classroom. She greeted the children and staff with hugs and “hellos” as she shared that she had been the principal here at Saint Johns for 16 years! She recognized some of the children when she was told their last names. She saw the resemblance to you their parents whom she was so well acquainted with when she was here. Hopefully, many of you received a message from your child , “Hello, from Sister Carolyn”. How special it was for the students to meet the very person for whom our gymnasium has been named after.
In keeping with our efforts to strive for academic excellence and “raise the bar” here at our school, teachers will carry out their lessons as carefully planned next week. Therefore, should you as parents wish for your child to hear President Obama’s Back to School Speech on Tuesday, September 14, 1:00PM ET, please plan to tape it and discuss it at home with them.
Let’s all enjoy tomorrow’s Golf Tournament and Saint John’s GALA. It’s time for enjoying some social time together.
Lois Schmitt
Lois Schmitt
School pictures will be September 23 from 9 to 11am. Students in grades PK – 8 will have their individual pictures taken on this date. Your child may dress in their Sunday best or their school uniform. School picture forms came home today. There will be a makeup date in October to accommodate the 4 year old preschool and retakes.
Thank you parents for all you do to raise money for our school. We have heard there has been difficulties redeeming the bonus box tops online. I want to offer my assistance. If you are having troubles redeeming them or you just don't have the time to do it, email me (cade9598@msn.com) the code from the coupon and I will redeem them for your class. Write "REDEEMED" on your coupon and send it in with your other box tops and labels, so your class can have those counted into their totals.
Open Gym for Basketball
Beginning this week for grades 4-8 there will be open gym on Wednesdays from 3:15-4:00. This will continue thru September 22nd.
Boys Basketball Sign Ups
Basketball Sign ups are going on now. Please see Mrs. Thomas for paper work. The athletic fee is $100 per season. This is a change from last year. There are extras on the bulletin board in the rotunda. We do not have the numbers for a 5th grade boys team this year. Fifth grade will be allowed to play however, playtime is determined based on ability and game readiness.
Imagine…“Whirled Peace” September 21, 2010
In today’s world, peace needs to become more than just a word. On September 21, 2010, St. John the Evangelist Catholic School plans to take part in an International art and literacy project, Pinwheels for Peace by “planting” pinwheels with messages of peace at grassy area by Sister Carolyn Hoying Gymnasium and in front of St. John the Evangelist Church.
Pinwheels for Peace is an art installation project started in 2005 by two Art teachers, Ann Ayers and Ellen McMillan, of Coconut Creek, Florida, as a way for students to express their feelings about what’s going on in the world and in their lives. In the first year, groups in over 1,325 locations throughout the world were spinning pinwheels on September 21st - there were approximately 500,000 pinwheels spinning throughout the world. Last year (year 4), 2010, over 3 million pinwheels were spinning in over 3,000 locations, including the United States, Europe, Asia, Australia, Canada, the Middle East, Africa and South America. Locally, Mrs. Brown will be coordinating the Pinwheels for Peace project this year.
This project is non-political – peace doesn’t necessarily have to be associated with the conflict of war, it can be related to violence/intolerance in our daily lives, to peace of mind. To each of us, peace can take on a different meaning, but, in the end, it all comes down to a simple definition: “a state of calm and serenity, with no anxiety, the absence of violence, freedom from conflict or disagreement among people or groups of people.”
St. John the Evangelist will create pinwheels, pinwheels of all shapes and sizes – as part of the creation process, the students will write their thoughts about "war and peace / tolerance/ living in harmony with others" on one side. On the other side, they will visually express their feelings. The students will assemble these pinwheels and on International Day of Peace they will "plant" their pinwheels by the Gym and Church as a public statement and art exhibit/installation.
On September 21, 2010, keep a lookout for the pinwheels – the spinning of the pinwheels in the wind will spread thoughts and feelings about peace throughout the country and the world!
For more information, go to http://www.pinwheelsforpeace.com or contact Mrs. Brown, 970.635.5868.
O God, bless our family and all its members and friends;bind us together by your love. Give us kindness and patience to support each other;and wisdom in all we do. Let the gift of your peace come into our hearts and remain with us.
May we rejoice in your blessings.
· May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Please keep Deacon John Kunesmiller and his family in your prayers
· Pray that the family may be respected by all in its identity, and that its irreplaceable contribution to all of society be recognized.
· Pray for that the Church may offer new generations, through the believable proclamation of the Gospel, ever-new reasons of life and hope.
That Christians may contribute to alleviating the material and spiritual suffering of AIDS patients, especially in the poorest countries.
That children and young people may be messengers of the Gospel and that their dignity may always be respected and preserved from all violence and exploitation
That the nations of the earth, through knowledge and mutual respect, may grow in harmony and peace.
Especially give thanks to God for the gift of a parish school and ask his help as we continue to grow and prosper
May Our Lord grant us all the graces we need and desire
Saint John the Evangelist Catholic School
1730 W. 12th Street Loveland, Co 80537 970.635.5830
Saint John the Evangelist School does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color or national or ethnic origin
September 10, 2010
Dear St. John’s School Families,
Here at Saint John’s School and Parish each day goes very quickly. There is never a dull moment. What a happy, busy beehive it is! If you haven’t already heard from your child(ren) Wednesday brought a very special surprise. SISTER CAROLYN HOYING paid us an unexpected visit. I had the honor of introducing her to all of our students and teachers as she toured each classroom. She greeted the children and staff with hugs and “hellos” as she shared that she had been the principal here at Saint Johns for 16 years! She recognized some of the children when she was told their last names. She saw the resemblance to you their parents whom she was so well acquainted with when she was here. Hopefully, many of you received a message from your child , “Hello, from Sister Carolyn”. How special it was for the students to meet the very person for whom our gymnasium has been named after.
In keeping with our efforts to strive for academic excellence and “raise the bar” here at our school, teachers will carry out their lessons as carefully planned next week. Therefore, should you as parents wish for your child to hear President Obama’s Back to School Speech on Tuesday, September 14, 1:00PM ET, please plan to tape it and discuss it at home with them.
Let’s all enjoy tomorrow’s Golf Tournament and Saint John’s GALA. It’s time for enjoying some social time together.
Lois Schmitt
Lois Schmitt
School pictures will be September 23 from 9 to 11am. Students in grades PK – 8 will have their individual pictures taken on this date. Your child may dress in their Sunday best or their school uniform. School picture forms came home today. There will be a makeup date in October to accommodate the 4 year old preschool and retakes.
Thank you parents for all you do to raise money for our school. We have heard there has been difficulties redeeming the bonus box tops online. I want to offer my assistance. If you are having troubles redeeming them or you just don't have the time to do it, email me (cade9598@msn.com) the code from the coupon and I will redeem them for your class. Write "REDEEMED" on your coupon and send it in with your other box tops and labels, so your class can have those counted into their totals.
Open Gym for Basketball
Beginning this week for grades 4-8 there will be open gym on Wednesdays from 3:15-4:00. This will continue thru September 22nd.
Boys Basketball Sign Ups
Basketball Sign ups are going on now. Please see Mrs. Thomas for paper work. The athletic fee is $100 per season. This is a change from last year. There are extras on the bulletin board in the rotunda. We do not have the numbers for a 5th grade boys team this year. Fifth grade will be allowed to play however, playtime is determined based on ability and game readiness.
Imagine…“Whirled Peace” September 21, 2010
In today’s world, peace needs to become more than just a word. On September 21, 2010, St. John the Evangelist Catholic School plans to take part in an International art and literacy project, Pinwheels for Peace by “planting” pinwheels with messages of peace at grassy area by Sister Carolyn Hoying Gymnasium and in front of St. John the Evangelist Church.
Pinwheels for Peace is an art installation project started in 2005 by two Art teachers, Ann Ayers and Ellen McMillan, of Coconut Creek, Florida, as a way for students to express their feelings about what’s going on in the world and in their lives. In the first year, groups in over 1,325 locations throughout the world were spinning pinwheels on September 21st - there were approximately 500,000 pinwheels spinning throughout the world. Last year (year 4), 2010, over 3 million pinwheels were spinning in over 3,000 locations, including the United States, Europe, Asia, Australia, Canada, the Middle East, Africa and South America. Locally, Mrs. Brown will be coordinating the Pinwheels for Peace project this year.
This project is non-political – peace doesn’t necessarily have to be associated with the conflict of war, it can be related to violence/intolerance in our daily lives, to peace of mind. To each of us, peace can take on a different meaning, but, in the end, it all comes down to a simple definition: “a state of calm and serenity, with no anxiety, the absence of violence, freedom from conflict or disagreement among people or groups of people.”
St. John the Evangelist will create pinwheels, pinwheels of all shapes and sizes – as part of the creation process, the students will write their thoughts about "war and peace / tolerance/ living in harmony with others" on one side. On the other side, they will visually express their feelings. The students will assemble these pinwheels and on International Day of Peace they will "plant" their pinwheels by the Gym and Church as a public statement and art exhibit/installation.
On September 21, 2010, keep a lookout for the pinwheels – the spinning of the pinwheels in the wind will spread thoughts and feelings about peace throughout the country and the world!
For more information, go to http://www.pinwheelsforpeace.com or contact Mrs. Brown, 970.635.5868.
O God, bless our family and all its members and friends;bind us together by your love. Give us kindness and patience to support each other;and wisdom in all we do. Let the gift of your peace come into our hearts and remain with us.
May we rejoice in your blessings.
· May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Please keep Deacon John Kunesmiller and his family in your prayers
· Pray that the family may be respected by all in its identity, and that its irreplaceable contribution to all of society be recognized.
· Pray for that the Church may offer new generations, through the believable proclamation of the Gospel, ever-new reasons of life and hope.
That Christians may contribute to alleviating the material and spiritual suffering of AIDS patients, especially in the poorest countries.
That children and young people may be messengers of the Gospel and that their dignity may always be respected and preserved from all violence and exploitation
That the nations of the earth, through knowledge and mutual respect, may grow in harmony and peace.
Especially give thanks to God for the gift of a parish school and ask his help as we continue to grow and prosper
May Our Lord grant us all the graces we need and desire
Saint John the Evangelist Catholic School
1730 W. 12th Street Loveland, Co 80537 970.635.5830
Saint John the Evangelist School does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color or national or ethnic origin
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
PINWHEELS FOR PEACEImagine…“Whirled Peace”September 21, 2010
In today’s world, peace needs to become more than just a word. On September 21, 2010, St. John the Evangelist Catholic School plans to take part in an International art and literacy project, Pinwheels for Peace by “planting” pinwheels with messages of peace at grassy area by Sister Carolyn Hoying Gymnasium and in front of St. John the Evangelist Church.
Pinwheels for Peace is an art installation project started in 2005 by two Art teachers, Ann Ayers and Ellen McMillan, of Coconut Creek, Florida, as a way for students to express their feelings about what’s going on in the world and in their lives. In the first year, groups in over 1,325 locations throughout the world were spinning pinwheels on September 21st - there were approximately 500,000 pinwheels spinning throughout the world. Last year (year 4), 2010, over 3 million pinwheels were spinning in over 3,000 locations, including the United States, Europe, Asia, Australia, Canada, the Middle East, Africa and South America. Locally, Mrs. Brown will be coordinating the Pinwheels for Peace project this year.
This project is non-political – peace doesn’t necessarily have to be associated with the conflict of war, it can be related to violence/intolerance in our daily lives, to peace of mind. To each of us, peace can take on a different meaning, but, in the end, it all comes down to a simple definition: “a state of calm and serenity, with no anxiety, the absence of violence, freedom from conflict or disagreement among people or groups of people.”
St. John the Evangelist will create pinwheels, pinwheels of all shapes and sizes – as part of the creation process, the students will write their thoughts about "war and peace / tolerance/ living in harmony with others" on one side. On the other side, they will visually express their feelings. The students will assemble these pinwheels and on International Day of Peace they will "plant" their pinwheels by the Gym and Church as a public statement and art exhibit/installation.
On September 21, 2010, keep a lookout for the pinwheels – the spinning of the pinwheels in the wind will spread thoughts and feelings about peace throughout the country and the world!
For more information, go to http://www.pinwheelsforpeace.com or contact Mrs. Brown, 970.635.5868.
In today’s world, peace needs to become more than just a word. On September 21, 2010, St. John the Evangelist Catholic School plans to take part in an International art and literacy project, Pinwheels for Peace by “planting” pinwheels with messages of peace at grassy area by Sister Carolyn Hoying Gymnasium and in front of St. John the Evangelist Church.
Pinwheels for Peace is an art installation project started in 2005 by two Art teachers, Ann Ayers and Ellen McMillan, of Coconut Creek, Florida, as a way for students to express their feelings about what’s going on in the world and in their lives. In the first year, groups in over 1,325 locations throughout the world were spinning pinwheels on September 21st - there were approximately 500,000 pinwheels spinning throughout the world. Last year (year 4), 2010, over 3 million pinwheels were spinning in over 3,000 locations, including the United States, Europe, Asia, Australia, Canada, the Middle East, Africa and South America. Locally, Mrs. Brown will be coordinating the Pinwheels for Peace project this year.
This project is non-political – peace doesn’t necessarily have to be associated with the conflict of war, it can be related to violence/intolerance in our daily lives, to peace of mind. To each of us, peace can take on a different meaning, but, in the end, it all comes down to a simple definition: “a state of calm and serenity, with no anxiety, the absence of violence, freedom from conflict or disagreement among people or groups of people.”
St. John the Evangelist will create pinwheels, pinwheels of all shapes and sizes – as part of the creation process, the students will write their thoughts about "war and peace / tolerance/ living in harmony with others" on one side. On the other side, they will visually express their feelings. The students will assemble these pinwheels and on International Day of Peace they will "plant" their pinwheels by the Gym and Church as a public statement and art exhibit/installation.
On September 21, 2010, keep a lookout for the pinwheels – the spinning of the pinwheels in the wind will spread thoughts and feelings about peace throughout the country and the world!
For more information, go to http://www.pinwheelsforpeace.com or contact Mrs. Brown, 970.635.5868.
Friday, September 3, 2010
September 3, 2010
St John the Evangelist Catholic School Chronicle
September 3, 2010
Dear St. John’s School Families,
Happy Labor Day Weekend
What could be more welcome than a day to celebrate all of the hard work you students, parents,
and staff have done to make a great beginning of this school year. I hope that each of you can
enjoy some much deserved rest, relaxation and fun. We have had two wonderful weeks together.
Below are just a few issues I would like to address:
Thank you for patience with our beginning and dismissal times. Our tardy bells and
dismissal bells should ring exactly at 8:00a.m. and 3:00p.m. for the elementary school. Grades
five –eight should sound at 7:55a.m. and 3:15p.m. Therefore, the students will not be available
to be picked up until after they leave the classrooms at 3:00p.m. or 3:15. We need every minute
of instruction time as we strive to “raise the bar” here at Saint Johns.
On another NOTE, no pun intended, I wanted to make you aware that Mr. Andrew Vogt
will begin his instrumental music classes on Tuesday, September 7, just after Labor Day.
This class will be for those students who have already been in Band and are not considered
beginners. Mr. Vogt visited the fifth grade class this week to inform and encourage them
to join a beginners group. Parents of fifth graders should have received written information
he gave to those students. This group meets on Wednesday mornings before school at 7:20a.m.
Wednesday, September 8th will be the first class. For those of you who don’t know about Band and Mr. Vogt, he has taught instrumental music for 20 years. It would be difficult to find someone of his caliber. He does free lance jazz and saxophone performances many places in Colorado. His web site is andrew@drewsclues.com. What a deal at only $35 for three lessons per week for grades 6-8.
New blue and white book covers have arrived for each student. The following supporters have provided them for us: Tom and Hope McCorkendale, Rose Melville, CPA, Mike Monat with ReMax Alliance and Paul Hummel, Investment Centers of America, Inc. We thank them for their support of our school.
Last but not least, Saint John’s Athletic Program is going strong. Our volleyball team has been winning most of their games. We do need more students, parents and staff to cheer them on especially during the home games. They need our support and to hear us cheering loudly.
Have a terrific weekend.
Lois Schmitt
Lois Schmitt
Saint John’s GalaGood news, the Gala is SOLD OUT! If you didn’t get your ticket you can still win BIG by purchasing your raffle tickets $25/ ticket or 5 for $100. 1st prize $5,000 2nd prize 1 year tuition at St. John's or $3,650. If you have not yet contributed scrip please do so as soon as possible, so far only 35 families have contributed. Scrip will be sold after each Mass and you can leave the scrip there with the seller and designate it for Saint John’s Parish School.
We have extra brochures/enrollment forms are available in the school office throughout the school year. Insurance coverage may be purchased at any time throughout the school year. Coverage will be effective on the date the enrollment form and correct premium are received by United Healthcare. Coverage may also be purchased online at www.k12studentinsurance.com. Insurance coverage purchased online will be effective 24 hours after enrolling online.
All students should have received a packet with a Gold C entertainment book and order form for selling them. If you are unable to sell the book, please return it with the order form to the office, making sure your child's name is on the form. This is an honor system as the PTO is responsible for the cost of all books distributed.
We will be selling the Gold C books after all masses on August 28-29. If you would like to volunteer to help, please email Ann Pakenham at annp722@yahoo.com. Thanks for your help with such short notice!
School pictures will be September 23 from 8 to 11am. Students in grades PK – 8 will have their individual pictures taken on this date. Your child may dress in their Sunday best or their school uniform. There will be a makeup date in October to accommodate the 4 year old preschool and retakes.
Your participation in the scrip program is off to a strong start. It was great to see familiar and new families buying scrip at Back-to-School night. The credits toward your $150 profit minimum are already being accounted for and you can email dorothea.boettcher@saintjohns.net at any time to find out where you are with your scrip purchases. We have almost sold out of the JC Penney scrip at the 50% special credit, so hurry if you still want to take advantage, because when sold out, JC Penney will only be available by special order at the regular percentage. Staples has a bonus available on select cards: purchase a specially marked $25 Staples card, and get $26.25 of value to spend (the profit of 5% is still only on the $25 you spend). Scrip is available to buy at the school office on all school days (except Monday mornings), the parish office and before and after the weekend masses.
Do you hang on to gift bags and store bags? Is your closet packed full of them? The Christmas Shoppe is going green! If you have bags you'd like to get rid of, please consider donating your gently used bags for the Christmas Shoppe! We use the bags to wrap the gifts from the kids - and we need LOTS of them every year!
We want to let you know of a way you as parents can help our school, without having to spend extra money. There are two programs that help raise money for St. John's. One is the Box Tops program and the other is the Campbell Soup Labels. All you have to do is clip the labels and bring them to your child's classroom at the end of each month. The Campbell Soup Labels are the barcode on the product. The Boxtops has a rectangle logo on the container. On St. John's website, there will be a list of products for both programs as well as monthly collection sheets you can print, to tape the labels to (boxtops and soup labels need to be on separate sheets). The Campbell's has separate sheets depending on their point value: 1, 5, or 10 pt. I want to add though that you do not have to put them on the sheets. Do what works the best for you.I wanted to let everyone know that if you have Bonus Box Tops from stores such as King Soopers that you have to redeem online with a code, keep the 'coupon' and write "REDEEMED" on it and turn it in with all your other tops and labels, so your child can have them tallied with their class totals. These expire quickly, so redeem them right away.. If you have any questions you can contact Angie Luce ( cade9598@msn.com) or Linda Nowak ( len6886@yahoo.com ). You can also go to the program websites to find more information and sign up for email updates on new products: http://www.boxtops4education.com and http://www.labelsforeducation.com/ .
We look forward to another great year with our school lunch and breakfast program. Please see below for a few details and reminders about these programs.
Lunch and breakfast pricing will remain the same for students, $2.50 for lunch and $.50 for a la carte milk. Breakfast will be $2.00.
Parents, teachers and staff are always welcome to have lunch/breakfast with the students. Adult prices are $3.50 for lunch and $2.50 for breakfast.
Due to budget constraints, we can no longer allow lunch/breakfast accounts to go negative. This will mean no charging of lunch or breakfast.
St. Johns offers free or reduced meals through the USDA to families who quality, you may print this information off the school website.
When sending lunch/breakfast money with a student, please place it in an envelope with the students name and teacher.
Our programs cannot run efficiently without our wonderful volunteers. Please sign up on the school website to volunteer and help serve lunch or breakfast.
See the school website for daily menus and encourage your child to try something new!!
Thank you, and let me know if you have any questions.
Cindy Heesemann
Food Service Director
St. John the Evangelist Catholic School
O God, bless our family and all its members and friends;bind us together by your love. Give us kindness and patience to support each other;and wisdom in all we do. Let the gift of your peace come into our hearts and remain with us. May we rejoice in your blessings.
· May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Please keep Deacon John Kunesmiller and his family in your prayers
· Pray that the family may be respected by all in its identity, and that its irreplaceable contribution to all of society be recognized.
· Pray for that the Church may offer new generations, through the believable proclamation of the Gospel, ever-new reasons of life and hope.
That Christians may contribute to alleviating the material and spiritual suffering of AIDS patients, especially in the poorest countries.
That children and young people may be messengers of the Gospel and that their dignity may always be respected and preserved from all violence and exploitation
That the nations of the earth, through knowledge and mutual respect, may grow in harmony and peace.
Especially give thanks to God for the gift of a parish school and ask his help as we continue to grow and prosper
May Our Lord grant us all the graces we need and desire
Saint John the Evangelist Catholic School
1730 W. 12th Street Loveland, Co 80537 970.635.5830
Saint John the Evangelist School does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color or national or ethnic origin
Sign up Now…
For Our String Instrument Program!
Available for ages Junior K through 8th grades
Lessons will be during the school day. Lessons will attempt to be during free-reading times. Schedules of group times to be announced shortly. Individual lessons will be scheduled based on demand.
Lessons start September 8th. Lessons will take place every Wednesday. More days may be added based on demand. Ms. Huster will help measure students’ instrument sizes on the 1st day. If you’d like to purchase your instrument in advance, please refer to the attached sheet for places to purchase.
Payment – please make checks payable to Michelle Huster and please make payments at the beginning of each month.
Cost - $35/month for weekly group lessons, $70/month for weekly group lessons plus one individual lesson
Please sign up with Ms. Huster if you are interested in participating in the string program by September 24th! shelle0503@gmail.com
Places to Purchase Instruments…
Online sites:
The next site is an excellent place to purchase as well. You can get a good violin for around 100 bucks.
You may also find good instruments fairly cheap on ebay - -just beware of the return policy!
Regional sites:
KepTone Music Workshop -
273 B E 29th StreetLoveland, CO 80538 Phone: (970) 308-2579
Magic Music
(970) 203-0432
136 W Fourth St, Loveland, CO 80537 map
1.00 miles
• More...
Loveland Music
(970) 622-0080
214 E Fourth St, Loveland, CO 80537 map
1.10 miles
... off!!! IN STOCK NOW FENDER SQUIER GUITARS & FENDER AMPS!!! New! Peavey Vypyr ...
Musical Instrument Schools & Lessons • Musical Instruments Rentals & Leasing • More...
Spotlight Music Inc
(970) 377-8066
Musical Instruments Rentals & Leasing • Musical Instrument Schools & Lessons • More...
Guitar's Etc. They give free stands and books when you rent an instrument. They also charge for the first month and you get 2 months free
NOTE: Ms. Michelle will provide shoulder rests and rosin for the bows.
September 3, 2010
Dear St. John’s School Families,
Happy Labor Day Weekend
What could be more welcome than a day to celebrate all of the hard work you students, parents,
and staff have done to make a great beginning of this school year. I hope that each of you can
enjoy some much deserved rest, relaxation and fun. We have had two wonderful weeks together.
Below are just a few issues I would like to address:
Thank you for patience with our beginning and dismissal times. Our tardy bells and
dismissal bells should ring exactly at 8:00a.m. and 3:00p.m. for the elementary school. Grades
five –eight should sound at 7:55a.m. and 3:15p.m. Therefore, the students will not be available
to be picked up until after they leave the classrooms at 3:00p.m. or 3:15. We need every minute
of instruction time as we strive to “raise the bar” here at Saint Johns.
On another NOTE, no pun intended, I wanted to make you aware that Mr. Andrew Vogt
will begin his instrumental music classes on Tuesday, September 7, just after Labor Day.
This class will be for those students who have already been in Band and are not considered
beginners. Mr. Vogt visited the fifth grade class this week to inform and encourage them
to join a beginners group. Parents of fifth graders should have received written information
he gave to those students. This group meets on Wednesday mornings before school at 7:20a.m.
Wednesday, September 8th will be the first class. For those of you who don’t know about Band and Mr. Vogt, he has taught instrumental music for 20 years. It would be difficult to find someone of his caliber. He does free lance jazz and saxophone performances many places in Colorado. His web site is andrew@drewsclues.com. What a deal at only $35 for three lessons per week for grades 6-8.
New blue and white book covers have arrived for each student. The following supporters have provided them for us: Tom and Hope McCorkendale, Rose Melville, CPA, Mike Monat with ReMax Alliance and Paul Hummel, Investment Centers of America, Inc. We thank them for their support of our school.
Last but not least, Saint John’s Athletic Program is going strong. Our volleyball team has been winning most of their games. We do need more students, parents and staff to cheer them on especially during the home games. They need our support and to hear us cheering loudly.
Have a terrific weekend.
Lois Schmitt
Lois Schmitt
Saint John’s GalaGood news, the Gala is SOLD OUT! If you didn’t get your ticket you can still win BIG by purchasing your raffle tickets $25/ ticket or 5 for $100. 1st prize $5,000 2nd prize 1 year tuition at St. John's or $3,650. If you have not yet contributed scrip please do so as soon as possible, so far only 35 families have contributed. Scrip will be sold after each Mass and you can leave the scrip there with the seller and designate it for Saint John’s Parish School.
We have extra brochures/enrollment forms are available in the school office throughout the school year. Insurance coverage may be purchased at any time throughout the school year. Coverage will be effective on the date the enrollment form and correct premium are received by United Healthcare. Coverage may also be purchased online at www.k12studentinsurance.com. Insurance coverage purchased online will be effective 24 hours after enrolling online.
All students should have received a packet with a Gold C entertainment book and order form for selling them. If you are unable to sell the book, please return it with the order form to the office, making sure your child's name is on the form. This is an honor system as the PTO is responsible for the cost of all books distributed.
We will be selling the Gold C books after all masses on August 28-29. If you would like to volunteer to help, please email Ann Pakenham at annp722@yahoo.com. Thanks for your help with such short notice!
School pictures will be September 23 from 8 to 11am. Students in grades PK – 8 will have their individual pictures taken on this date. Your child may dress in their Sunday best or their school uniform. There will be a makeup date in October to accommodate the 4 year old preschool and retakes.
Your participation in the scrip program is off to a strong start. It was great to see familiar and new families buying scrip at Back-to-School night. The credits toward your $150 profit minimum are already being accounted for and you can email dorothea.boettcher@saintjohns.net at any time to find out where you are with your scrip purchases. We have almost sold out of the JC Penney scrip at the 50% special credit, so hurry if you still want to take advantage, because when sold out, JC Penney will only be available by special order at the regular percentage. Staples has a bonus available on select cards: purchase a specially marked $25 Staples card, and get $26.25 of value to spend (the profit of 5% is still only on the $25 you spend). Scrip is available to buy at the school office on all school days (except Monday mornings), the parish office and before and after the weekend masses.
Do you hang on to gift bags and store bags? Is your closet packed full of them? The Christmas Shoppe is going green! If you have bags you'd like to get rid of, please consider donating your gently used bags for the Christmas Shoppe! We use the bags to wrap the gifts from the kids - and we need LOTS of them every year!
We want to let you know of a way you as parents can help our school, without having to spend extra money. There are two programs that help raise money for St. John's. One is the Box Tops program and the other is the Campbell Soup Labels. All you have to do is clip the labels and bring them to your child's classroom at the end of each month. The Campbell Soup Labels are the barcode on the product. The Boxtops has a rectangle logo on the container. On St. John's website, there will be a list of products for both programs as well as monthly collection sheets you can print, to tape the labels to (boxtops and soup labels need to be on separate sheets). The Campbell's has separate sheets depending on their point value: 1, 5, or 10 pt. I want to add though that you do not have to put them on the sheets. Do what works the best for you.I wanted to let everyone know that if you have Bonus Box Tops from stores such as King Soopers that you have to redeem online with a code, keep the 'coupon' and write "REDEEMED" on it and turn it in with all your other tops and labels, so your child can have them tallied with their class totals. These expire quickly, so redeem them right away.. If you have any questions you can contact Angie Luce ( cade9598@msn.com) or Linda Nowak ( len6886@yahoo.com ). You can also go to the program websites to find more information and sign up for email updates on new products: http://www.boxtops4education.com and http://www.labelsforeducation.com/ .
We look forward to another great year with our school lunch and breakfast program. Please see below for a few details and reminders about these programs.
Lunch and breakfast pricing will remain the same for students, $2.50 for lunch and $.50 for a la carte milk. Breakfast will be $2.00.
Parents, teachers and staff are always welcome to have lunch/breakfast with the students. Adult prices are $3.50 for lunch and $2.50 for breakfast.
Due to budget constraints, we can no longer allow lunch/breakfast accounts to go negative. This will mean no charging of lunch or breakfast.
St. Johns offers free or reduced meals through the USDA to families who quality, you may print this information off the school website.
When sending lunch/breakfast money with a student, please place it in an envelope with the students name and teacher.
Our programs cannot run efficiently without our wonderful volunteers. Please sign up on the school website to volunteer and help serve lunch or breakfast.
See the school website for daily menus and encourage your child to try something new!!
Thank you, and let me know if you have any questions.
Cindy Heesemann
Food Service Director
St. John the Evangelist Catholic School
O God, bless our family and all its members and friends;bind us together by your love. Give us kindness and patience to support each other;and wisdom in all we do. Let the gift of your peace come into our hearts and remain with us. May we rejoice in your blessings.
· May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Please keep Deacon John Kunesmiller and his family in your prayers
· Pray that the family may be respected by all in its identity, and that its irreplaceable contribution to all of society be recognized.
· Pray for that the Church may offer new generations, through the believable proclamation of the Gospel, ever-new reasons of life and hope.
That Christians may contribute to alleviating the material and spiritual suffering of AIDS patients, especially in the poorest countries.
That children and young people may be messengers of the Gospel and that their dignity may always be respected and preserved from all violence and exploitation
That the nations of the earth, through knowledge and mutual respect, may grow in harmony and peace.
Especially give thanks to God for the gift of a parish school and ask his help as we continue to grow and prosper
May Our Lord grant us all the graces we need and desire
Saint John the Evangelist Catholic School
1730 W. 12th Street Loveland, Co 80537 970.635.5830
Saint John the Evangelist School does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color or national or ethnic origin
Sign up Now…
For Our String Instrument Program!
Available for ages Junior K through 8th grades
Lessons will be during the school day. Lessons will attempt to be during free-reading times. Schedules of group times to be announced shortly. Individual lessons will be scheduled based on demand.
Lessons start September 8th. Lessons will take place every Wednesday. More days may be added based on demand. Ms. Huster will help measure students’ instrument sizes on the 1st day. If you’d like to purchase your instrument in advance, please refer to the attached sheet for places to purchase.
Payment – please make checks payable to Michelle Huster and please make payments at the beginning of each month.
Cost - $35/month for weekly group lessons, $70/month for weekly group lessons plus one individual lesson
Please sign up with Ms. Huster if you are interested in participating in the string program by September 24th! shelle0503@gmail.com
Places to Purchase Instruments…
Online sites:
The next site is an excellent place to purchase as well. You can get a good violin for around 100 bucks.
You may also find good instruments fairly cheap on ebay - -just beware of the return policy!
Regional sites:
KepTone Music Workshop -
273 B E 29th StreetLoveland, CO 80538 Phone: (970) 308-2579
Magic Music
(970) 203-0432
136 W Fourth St, Loveland, CO 80537 map
1.00 miles
• More...
Loveland Music
(970) 622-0080
214 E Fourth St, Loveland, CO 80537 map
1.10 miles
... off!!! IN STOCK NOW FENDER SQUIER GUITARS & FENDER AMPS!!! New! Peavey Vypyr ...
Musical Instrument Schools & Lessons • Musical Instruments Rentals & Leasing • More...
Spotlight Music Inc
(970) 377-8066
Musical Instruments Rentals & Leasing • Musical Instrument Schools & Lessons • More...
Guitar's Etc. They give free stands and books when you rent an instrument. They also charge for the first month and you get 2 months free
NOTE: Ms. Michelle will provide shoulder rests and rosin for the bows.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
NATIONAL CATHOLIC EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION1005 North Glebe Road, Suite 525, Arlington, Virginia 22201
Contact Information
February 1, 2010 Barbara Keebler
Brian GrayPhone: (800) 711-6232
Fax: (703) 243-0025E-mail: communications@ncea.org
Students’ religious knowledge underscores Catholic Schools Week 2010 theme
ARLINGTON, VA – Catholic schools have an excellent track record in helping students achieve high marks in academic subjects including reading, writing and math and score above average on national tests.
A widely used survey also confirms that Catholic school students also have above average results in gaining religious knowledge and attitudes towards their faith.
The National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) publishes a standardized assessment – the Assessment of Catechesis, Religious Education (ACRE) developed more than 30 years ago and used by many schools and parishes to measure the outcomes of instruction in the Catholic faith. During a recent study of the data collected over the years, the association found some inspiring results.
“The accumulated data results provide many encouraging trends,” said Karen Ristau, NCEA president. “The most important is this: Students in Catholic schools are learning their religion and there’s a reliable way to prove that this is so.”
Dr. Ristau added the results provide another basis for trusting in this year’s Catholic Schools Week theme – “Catholic Schools: Dividends for Life.”
The NCEA president pointed to several survey highlights:
Ninety-one percent of the fifth graders who took NCEA ACRE in 2009 scored 80 percent or higher on questions about Jesus, the Church and sacraments.
Ninety percent of fifth graders and 90 percent of high school students scored 80 percent or higher on the section about the Church’s origin, mission, structure, community and membership. Eighty-four percent of eighth graders scored 80 percent or higher.
Eighty-eight percent of eighth graders scored 80 percent or higher on the section about prayer and religious practices.
The assessment is empirically designed and includes questions under broad topics or domains, such as relationships, prayer and religious practice. Within each domain, specific questions touch on topics such as Catholic identity, morality and relationships with others.
In 2009, 133,290 students in 2,339 Catholic schools in 127 dioceses used NCEA ACRE. An additional 16,888 students in parish-based programs used the survey in 515 parishes. The (arch) dioceses of Baltimore, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Los Angeles, Newark, Orlando, St. Louis, St. Petersburg, Springfield (Illinois), Toledo and Washington D.C. are the largest users of the assessment.
ACRE is designed to be used in any Catholic school or in parish programs and is aligned with the curriculum provided by major publishers who work in cooperation with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) protocol. The tool is flexible, providing a way for schools and dioceses to add up to 20 additional faith knowledge questions for a more tailored approach to assessing religious education in the school.
NCEA is the largest private professional education association in the world. Founded in 1904, the association’s membership represents more than 200,000 educators serving more than 7 million students at all levels of Catholic education.
Contact Information
February 1, 2010 Barbara Keebler
Brian GrayPhone: (800) 711-6232
Fax: (703) 243-0025E-mail: communications@ncea.org
Students’ religious knowledge underscores Catholic Schools Week 2010 theme
ARLINGTON, VA – Catholic schools have an excellent track record in helping students achieve high marks in academic subjects including reading, writing and math and score above average on national tests.
A widely used survey also confirms that Catholic school students also have above average results in gaining religious knowledge and attitudes towards their faith.
The National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) publishes a standardized assessment – the Assessment of Catechesis, Religious Education (ACRE) developed more than 30 years ago and used by many schools and parishes to measure the outcomes of instruction in the Catholic faith. During a recent study of the data collected over the years, the association found some inspiring results.
“The accumulated data results provide many encouraging trends,” said Karen Ristau, NCEA president. “The most important is this: Students in Catholic schools are learning their religion and there’s a reliable way to prove that this is so.”
Dr. Ristau added the results provide another basis for trusting in this year’s Catholic Schools Week theme – “Catholic Schools: Dividends for Life.”
The NCEA president pointed to several survey highlights:
Ninety-one percent of the fifth graders who took NCEA ACRE in 2009 scored 80 percent or higher on questions about Jesus, the Church and sacraments.
Ninety percent of fifth graders and 90 percent of high school students scored 80 percent or higher on the section about the Church’s origin, mission, structure, community and membership. Eighty-four percent of eighth graders scored 80 percent or higher.
Eighty-eight percent of eighth graders scored 80 percent or higher on the section about prayer and religious practices.
The assessment is empirically designed and includes questions under broad topics or domains, such as relationships, prayer and religious practice. Within each domain, specific questions touch on topics such as Catholic identity, morality and relationships with others.
In 2009, 133,290 students in 2,339 Catholic schools in 127 dioceses used NCEA ACRE. An additional 16,888 students in parish-based programs used the survey in 515 parishes. The (arch) dioceses of Baltimore, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Los Angeles, Newark, Orlando, St. Louis, St. Petersburg, Springfield (Illinois), Toledo and Washington D.C. are the largest users of the assessment.
ACRE is designed to be used in any Catholic school or in parish programs and is aligned with the curriculum provided by major publishers who work in cooperation with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) protocol. The tool is flexible, providing a way for schools and dioceses to add up to 20 additional faith knowledge questions for a more tailored approach to assessing religious education in the school.
NCEA is the largest private professional education association in the world. Founded in 1904, the association’s membership represents more than 200,000 educators serving more than 7 million students at all levels of Catholic education.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Saint John the Evangelist Catholic School Chroicle
St John the Evangelist Catholic School Chronicle
August 27, 2010
Dear St. John’s School Families,
What a stellar opening of the new school year it was! It was such a joy to greet
your child (ren) on Monday morning. It was an experience that is difficult to
describe, as the loop dropped off excited, smiling children all dressed in their
Mass uniforms, with new shoes, new backpacks and fresh, sometimes damp hairdos
with the fragrance of just having been recently shampooed. “High fives”, hugs,
picture taking and maybe a bit of emotion as students said “good-bye” to their
parents was touching to say the least.
Yes, it was a busy, wonderful first week. The children and staff attended Mass
on both Monday and Friday mornings. There were SAC (Parent Advisory)
meetings, followed by PTO meetings and even a Technology Committee meeting.
Fund raising is well on its way with Gala Baskets coming in, tickets are being sold
for HOLLYWOOD NIGHTS and, of course, the Golf Tourney. Oh, and don’t
forget the Gold C books to sell. Sorry so much is coming up so soon. The PTO
and all of last year’s fundraising was responsible for the NEW TEXT BOOKS that
all of our students are now enjoying. A big thank you to everyone that made this
Just a reminder that next Wednesday is early release day for children, as Father
Frank has scheduled a retreat for all school staff members.
Have a great weekend.
Lois Schmitt
Lois Schmitt
Saint John’s GalaHey St. John's Families this is the last week to buy your tickets to the "Hollywood Nights" benefit gala dinner, silent and live auction. $50/person. This fun black tie optional event is the largest fundraiser for both the school and the parish. Tickets will be on sale this week only in the school office and after all masses. NO TICKETS will be sold at the door. Come and join us for the fun event contact Lexy Donnelly at 290-7081 for more information. Do not forget to purchase your raffle tickets $25/ ticket or 5 for $100. 1st prize $5,000 2nd prize 1 year tuition at St. John's or $3,650.
If you have not yet contributed scrip please do so as soon as possible, so far only 35 families have contributed. Scrip will be sold after each Mass and you can leave the scrip there with the seller and designate it for Saint John’s Parish School.
All students should have received a packet with a Gold C entertainment book and order form for selling them. If you are unable to sell the book, please return it with the order form to the office, making sure your child's name is on the form. This is an honor system as the PTO is responsible for the cost of all books distributed.
We will be selling the Gold C books after all masses on August 28-29. If you would like to volunteer to help, please email Ann Pakenham at annp722@yahoo.com. Thanks for your help with such short notice!
DAISY TROOPIf your daughter is interested in becoming a Daisy Girl Scout for the 2010-11 school year, we will be holding an informational meeting on Wednesday, September 1 at 12 p.m. on the P.E. field east of the elementary school. Please bring a picnic lunch -- siblings are welcome to join us, too! We will be accepting girls 5 and up (whose birthday is before October 1st) in Junior Kindergarten through 1st Grade. If your daughter is interested in becoming a Daisy, and you are unable to make this meeting, please contact either Helen Franks (hmfranks@msn.com or 532-7874) or Jen Metzler (philler10@aol.com or 669-5807) to receive a packet of information.
Your participation in the scrip program is off to a strong start. It was great to see familiar and new families buying scrip at Back-to-School night. The credits toward your $150 profit minimum are already being accounted for and you can email dorothea.boettcher@saintjohns.net at any time to find out where you are with your scrip purchases. We have almost sold out of the JC Penney scrip at the 50% special credit, so hurry if you still want to take advantage, because when sold out, JC Penney will only be available by special order at the regular percentage. Staples has a bonus available on select cards: purchase a specially marked $25 Staples card, and get $26.25 of value to spend (the profit of 5% is still only on the $25 you spend). Scrip is available to buy at the school office on all school days (except Monday mornings), the parish office and before and after the weekend masses.
Do you hang on to gift bags and store bags? Is your closet packed full of them? The Christmas Shoppe is going green! If you have bags you'd like to get rid of, please consider donating your gently used bags for the Christmas Shoppe! We use the bags to wrap the gifts from the kids - and we need LOTS of them every year! All sizes are welcome! This is a great way to clean out your closets, reduce our costs and recycle too! Drop the bags off at the school office! Thanks so much!
Fr. Frank is hosting a parish volunteer picnic. If you have volunteered in any capacity (ministry, labor, office volunteers, counters, parents etc.) this message is for you. Fr. Frank would like to honor all the parish and school volunteers on Friday, September 17th from 5:00 to 8:00 pm. He will provide chicken, lemonade, ice tea and water, potato salad & macaroni salad. If everyone can provide a salad, side dish or dessert that would be wonderful.
We want to let you know of a way you as parents can help our school, without having to spend extra money. There are two programs that help raise money for St. John's. One is the Box Tops program and the other is the Campbell Soup Labels. All you have to do is clip the labels and bring them to your child's classroom at the end of each month. The Campbell Soup Labels are the barcode on the product. The Boxtops has a rectangle logo on the container. On St. John's website, there will be a list of products for both programs as well as monthly collection sheets you can print, to tape the labels to (boxtops and soup labels need to be on separate sheets). The Campbell's has separate sheets depending on their point value: 1, 5, or 10 pt. I want to add though that you do not have to put them on the sheets. Do what works the best for you. This year we are making it more exciting for the students. There will be monthly collection contests beginning with the September collections. The details on the prizes are still being worked out, but each month the winning classes will have a reward. At the end of the school year, the class with the highest amount of labels collections will have a pizza party. So, start your collecting if you haven't already. Make sure when you turn in your tops and labels on September 30th, you include all you collected through the summer. If you have any questions you can contact Angie Luce ( cade9598@msn.com) or Linda Nowak ( len6886@yahoo.com ). You can also go to the program websites to find more information and sign up for email updates on new products: http://www.boxtops4education.com and http://www.labelsforeducation.com/ .
We look forward to another great year with our school lunch and breakfast program. Please see below for a few details and reminders about these programs.
Lunch and breakfast pricing will remain the same for students, $2.50 for lunch and $.50 for a la carte milk. Breakfast will be $2.00.
Parents, teachers and staff are always welcome to have lunch/breakfast with the students. Adult prices are $3.50 for lunch and $2.50 for breakfast.
Due to budget constraints, we can no longer allow lunch/breakfast accounts to go negative. This will mean no charging of lunch or breakfast.
St. Johns offers free or reduced meals through the USDA to families who quality, you may print this information off the school website.
When sending lunch/breakfast money with a student, please place it in an envelope with the students name and teacher.
Our programs cannot run efficiently without our wonderful volunteers. Please sign up on the school website to volunteer and help serve lunch or breakfast.
See the school website for daily menus and encourage your child to try something new!!
Thank you, and let me know if you have any questions.
Cindy Heesemann
Food Service Director
St. John the Evangelist Catholic School
O God, bless our family and all its members and friends;bind us together by your love. Give us kindness and patience to support each other;and wisdom in all we do. Let the gift of your peace come into our hearts and remain with us. May we rejoice in your blessings.
· May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Please keep Deacon John Kunesmiller and his family in your prayers
· Pray that the family may be respected by all in its identity and that its irreplaceable contribution to all of society be recognized.
· Pray for that the Church may offer new generations, through the believable proclamation of the Gospel, ever-new reasons of life and hope.
That Christians may contribute to alleviating the material and spiritual suffering of AIDS patients, especially in the poorest countries.
That children and young people may be messengers of the Gospel and that their dignity may always be respected and preserved from all violence and exploitation
That the nations of the earth, through knowledge and mutual respect, may grow in harmony and peace.
Especially give thanks to God for the gift of a parish school and ask his help as we continue to grow and prosper
May Our Lord grant us all the graces we need and desire
Saint John the Evangelist Catholic School
1730 W. 12th Street Loveland, Co 80537 970.635.5830
Saint John the Evangelist School does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color or national or ethnic origin
August 27, 2010
Dear St. John’s School Families,
What a stellar opening of the new school year it was! It was such a joy to greet
your child (ren) on Monday morning. It was an experience that is difficult to
describe, as the loop dropped off excited, smiling children all dressed in their
Mass uniforms, with new shoes, new backpacks and fresh, sometimes damp hairdos
with the fragrance of just having been recently shampooed. “High fives”, hugs,
picture taking and maybe a bit of emotion as students said “good-bye” to their
parents was touching to say the least.
Yes, it was a busy, wonderful first week. The children and staff attended Mass
on both Monday and Friday mornings. There were SAC (Parent Advisory)
meetings, followed by PTO meetings and even a Technology Committee meeting.
Fund raising is well on its way with Gala Baskets coming in, tickets are being sold
for HOLLYWOOD NIGHTS and, of course, the Golf Tourney. Oh, and don’t
forget the Gold C books to sell. Sorry so much is coming up so soon. The PTO
and all of last year’s fundraising was responsible for the NEW TEXT BOOKS that
all of our students are now enjoying. A big thank you to everyone that made this
Just a reminder that next Wednesday is early release day for children, as Father
Frank has scheduled a retreat for all school staff members.
Have a great weekend.
Lois Schmitt
Lois Schmitt
Saint John’s GalaHey St. John's Families this is the last week to buy your tickets to the "Hollywood Nights" benefit gala dinner, silent and live auction. $50/person. This fun black tie optional event is the largest fundraiser for both the school and the parish. Tickets will be on sale this week only in the school office and after all masses. NO TICKETS will be sold at the door. Come and join us for the fun event contact Lexy Donnelly at 290-7081 for more information. Do not forget to purchase your raffle tickets $25/ ticket or 5 for $100. 1st prize $5,000 2nd prize 1 year tuition at St. John's or $3,650.
If you have not yet contributed scrip please do so as soon as possible, so far only 35 families have contributed. Scrip will be sold after each Mass and you can leave the scrip there with the seller and designate it for Saint John’s Parish School.
All students should have received a packet with a Gold C entertainment book and order form for selling them. If you are unable to sell the book, please return it with the order form to the office, making sure your child's name is on the form. This is an honor system as the PTO is responsible for the cost of all books distributed.
We will be selling the Gold C books after all masses on August 28-29. If you would like to volunteer to help, please email Ann Pakenham at annp722@yahoo.com. Thanks for your help with such short notice!
DAISY TROOPIf your daughter is interested in becoming a Daisy Girl Scout for the 2010-11 school year, we will be holding an informational meeting on Wednesday, September 1 at 12 p.m. on the P.E. field east of the elementary school. Please bring a picnic lunch -- siblings are welcome to join us, too! We will be accepting girls 5 and up (whose birthday is before October 1st) in Junior Kindergarten through 1st Grade. If your daughter is interested in becoming a Daisy, and you are unable to make this meeting, please contact either Helen Franks (hmfranks@msn.com or 532-7874) or Jen Metzler (philler10@aol.com or 669-5807) to receive a packet of information.
Your participation in the scrip program is off to a strong start. It was great to see familiar and new families buying scrip at Back-to-School night. The credits toward your $150 profit minimum are already being accounted for and you can email dorothea.boettcher@saintjohns.net at any time to find out where you are with your scrip purchases. We have almost sold out of the JC Penney scrip at the 50% special credit, so hurry if you still want to take advantage, because when sold out, JC Penney will only be available by special order at the regular percentage. Staples has a bonus available on select cards: purchase a specially marked $25 Staples card, and get $26.25 of value to spend (the profit of 5% is still only on the $25 you spend). Scrip is available to buy at the school office on all school days (except Monday mornings), the parish office and before and after the weekend masses.
Do you hang on to gift bags and store bags? Is your closet packed full of them? The Christmas Shoppe is going green! If you have bags you'd like to get rid of, please consider donating your gently used bags for the Christmas Shoppe! We use the bags to wrap the gifts from the kids - and we need LOTS of them every year! All sizes are welcome! This is a great way to clean out your closets, reduce our costs and recycle too! Drop the bags off at the school office! Thanks so much!
Fr. Frank is hosting a parish volunteer picnic. If you have volunteered in any capacity (ministry, labor, office volunteers, counters, parents etc.) this message is for you. Fr. Frank would like to honor all the parish and school volunteers on Friday, September 17th from 5:00 to 8:00 pm. He will provide chicken, lemonade, ice tea and water, potato salad & macaroni salad. If everyone can provide a salad, side dish or dessert that would be wonderful.
We want to let you know of a way you as parents can help our school, without having to spend extra money. There are two programs that help raise money for St. John's. One is the Box Tops program and the other is the Campbell Soup Labels. All you have to do is clip the labels and bring them to your child's classroom at the end of each month. The Campbell Soup Labels are the barcode on the product. The Boxtops has a rectangle logo on the container. On St. John's website, there will be a list of products for both programs as well as monthly collection sheets you can print, to tape the labels to (boxtops and soup labels need to be on separate sheets). The Campbell's has separate sheets depending on their point value: 1, 5, or 10 pt. I want to add though that you do not have to put them on the sheets. Do what works the best for you. This year we are making it more exciting for the students. There will be monthly collection contests beginning with the September collections. The details on the prizes are still being worked out, but each month the winning classes will have a reward. At the end of the school year, the class with the highest amount of labels collections will have a pizza party. So, start your collecting if you haven't already. Make sure when you turn in your tops and labels on September 30th, you include all you collected through the summer. If you have any questions you can contact Angie Luce ( cade9598@msn.com) or Linda Nowak ( len6886@yahoo.com ). You can also go to the program websites to find more information and sign up for email updates on new products: http://www.boxtops4education.com and http://www.labelsforeducation.com/ .
We look forward to another great year with our school lunch and breakfast program. Please see below for a few details and reminders about these programs.
Lunch and breakfast pricing will remain the same for students, $2.50 for lunch and $.50 for a la carte milk. Breakfast will be $2.00.
Parents, teachers and staff are always welcome to have lunch/breakfast with the students. Adult prices are $3.50 for lunch and $2.50 for breakfast.
Due to budget constraints, we can no longer allow lunch/breakfast accounts to go negative. This will mean no charging of lunch or breakfast.
St. Johns offers free or reduced meals through the USDA to families who quality, you may print this information off the school website.
When sending lunch/breakfast money with a student, please place it in an envelope with the students name and teacher.
Our programs cannot run efficiently without our wonderful volunteers. Please sign up on the school website to volunteer and help serve lunch or breakfast.
See the school website for daily menus and encourage your child to try something new!!
Thank you, and let me know if you have any questions.
Cindy Heesemann
Food Service Director
St. John the Evangelist Catholic School
O God, bless our family and all its members and friends;bind us together by your love. Give us kindness and patience to support each other;and wisdom in all we do. Let the gift of your peace come into our hearts and remain with us. May we rejoice in your blessings.
· May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Please keep Deacon John Kunesmiller and his family in your prayers
· Pray that the family may be respected by all in its identity and that its irreplaceable contribution to all of society be recognized.
· Pray for that the Church may offer new generations, through the believable proclamation of the Gospel, ever-new reasons of life and hope.
That Christians may contribute to alleviating the material and spiritual suffering of AIDS patients, especially in the poorest countries.
That children and young people may be messengers of the Gospel and that their dignity may always be respected and preserved from all violence and exploitation
That the nations of the earth, through knowledge and mutual respect, may grow in harmony and peace.
Especially give thanks to God for the gift of a parish school and ask his help as we continue to grow and prosper
May Our Lord grant us all the graces we need and desire
Saint John the Evangelist Catholic School
1730 W. 12th Street Loveland, Co 80537 970.635.5830
Saint John the Evangelist School does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color or national or ethnic origin
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Attention all St. John's parents. "Hollywood Nights" is almost here and we need your help.
Attention all St. John's parents. "Hollywood Nights" is almost here and we need your help.
At the end of the summer you were given raffle tickets to sell to friends and family. We need you to return any sold or unsold tickets to the school by September 7th. A committee member will be in the "loop" Friday, August, 27th & September 3rd to collect those. If you need more tickets or did not receive a packet please stop by the parish office to pick some up. If you have any questions please contact Samantha Sweeney at Sam.Sweeney@saintjohns.net. Please remember that in order to make this raffle a success we need to sell a lot of raffle tickets.
The more we sell the more the parish and school benefit. Please help us to make this raffle a huge success.
Prizes are as follows:
· 1st: $5,000
· 2nd:1 yr tuition St. John's or $3,650
· 3rd:$1,500
Don't forget to buy your "Hollywood Nights" gala tickets. Limited seats available. NO SEATS will be sold at the door. This is the LAST WEEK to buy tickets.
Christine Champlin
Saint John the Evangelist School
1730 W. 12th Street
Loveland,CO 80537
At the end of the summer you were given raffle tickets to sell to friends and family. We need you to return any sold or unsold tickets to the school by September 7th. A committee member will be in the "loop" Friday, August, 27th & September 3rd to collect those. If you need more tickets or did not receive a packet please stop by the parish office to pick some up. If you have any questions please contact Samantha Sweeney at Sam.Sweeney@saintjohns.net. Please remember that in order to make this raffle a success we need to sell a lot of raffle tickets.
The more we sell the more the parish and school benefit. Please help us to make this raffle a huge success.
Prizes are as follows:
· 1st: $5,000
· 2nd:1 yr tuition St. John's or $3,650
· 3rd:$1,500
Don't forget to buy your "Hollywood Nights" gala tickets. Limited seats available. NO SEATS will be sold at the door. This is the LAST WEEK to buy tickets.
Christine Champlin
Saint John the Evangelist School
1730 W. 12th Street
Loveland,CO 80537
Monday, August 16, 2010
St Johns Benefit Gala
St Johns Benefit Gala
Hollywood Nights
Welcome back St. Johns Parents. The St. Johns Benefit Gala Committee hopes that you have had a wonderful summer. Once the first day of school arrives, the St. Johns Benefit Gala is right around the corner.
We are asking each School Family to donate a scrip of your choice for the “Grab an Oscar” event at the Gala (similar to grab bags in the past). You may turn your scrip into the school office with your name attached or for your convenience purchase it at Back To School Night and turn it in to the Gala table and we will check your family name off.
Don’t forget to watch your teacher’s Back to School Information to find out your child’s class basket theme and how the teacher is will be putting it together.
Again, welcome back to the 2010-2011 school year. It is going to be an amazing year.
Thank you,
The St. Johns Benefit Gala Committee
Hollywood Nights
Welcome back St. Johns Parents. The St. Johns Benefit Gala Committee hopes that you have had a wonderful summer. Once the first day of school arrives, the St. Johns Benefit Gala is right around the corner.
We are asking each School Family to donate a scrip of your choice for the “Grab an Oscar” event at the Gala (similar to grab bags in the past). You may turn your scrip into the school office with your name attached or for your convenience purchase it at Back To School Night and turn it in to the Gala table and we will check your family name off.
Don’t forget to watch your teacher’s Back to School Information to find out your child’s class basket theme and how the teacher is will be putting it together.
Again, welcome back to the 2010-2011 school year. It is going to be an amazing year.
Thank you,
The St. Johns Benefit Gala Committee
Friday, August 13, 2010
Yes, just two weeks from today, Monday, August 23, excited Saint John’s children will be called to classes and to a BRAND NEW BEGINNING OF THE BEST SCHOOL YEAR EVER. The first day will be an early release with dismissal at 11:50a.m. The staff and I can’t wait to “welcome each one of you,
students and parents”. While the teachers and staff officially return on Monday, August 16, the enthusiasm for the new year saw most of them already knocking on the doors just as soon as the calendar flipped to August.
A great deal of preparation has taken place, as some well thought out and careful planning has resulted in some changes that were much needed to“raise the bar” academically as well as to create a most “positive” school environment. With teachers and parents working closely together and with a commitment to made unity with Saint John’s Parish a priority, Father Frank and I know this will be an exciting and terrific year for everyone, most importantly, our students.
One change that actually was requested by the middle school staff (5th-8th) was the need to lengthen the school day for their students. Yes, they unanimously agreed that more time was needed for teaching and learning. By adding a half hour to the day, 15 minutes at the beginning of the day (7:45 a.m.) and 15 minutes to the end of the day, (3:15p.m.), we could truly “raise the bar” and provide for a “robust
academic program”.
The staff roster indicates many changes. I can’t wait for you students and parents to “welcome back” our long time, dedicated teachers, and for you to become acquainted with our outstanding new additions to Saint Johns. I feel so honored to be a part of this NEW SCHOOL YEAR.
Lois Schmitt, Principal
Saint John the Evangelist Catholic School
students and parents”. While the teachers and staff officially return on Monday, August 16, the enthusiasm for the new year saw most of them already knocking on the doors just as soon as the calendar flipped to August.
A great deal of preparation has taken place, as some well thought out and careful planning has resulted in some changes that were much needed to“raise the bar” academically as well as to create a most “positive” school environment. With teachers and parents working closely together and with a commitment to made unity with Saint John’s Parish a priority, Father Frank and I know this will be an exciting and terrific year for everyone, most importantly, our students.
One change that actually was requested by the middle school staff (5th-8th) was the need to lengthen the school day for their students. Yes, they unanimously agreed that more time was needed for teaching and learning. By adding a half hour to the day, 15 minutes at the beginning of the day (7:45 a.m.) and 15 minutes to the end of the day, (3:15p.m.), we could truly “raise the bar” and provide for a “robust
academic program”.
The staff roster indicates many changes. I can’t wait for you students and parents to “welcome back” our long time, dedicated teachers, and for you to become acquainted with our outstanding new additions to Saint Johns. I feel so honored to be a part of this NEW SCHOOL YEAR.
Lois Schmitt, Principal
Saint John the Evangelist Catholic School
Monday, August 9, 2010
Welcome back teachers & staff for 2010-2011
Welcome back teachers & staff for 2010-2011
Lois Schmitt School Principal
Christine Champlin Exec assistant to Principal
Karen Kraljic School Secretary
Vicki Vinton Preschool Director
Rebekah Biermann Preschool Teacher
Julie Bishop Preschool Teacher
Jamie Hochanadel Junior Kindergarten Teacher
Andrea Nelson Junior Kindergarten Teacher
Rachel Campbell-Maher Kindergarten
Amy Woods Kindergarten
Sarah Smith Classroom Aide
Shannon Lotz First Grade
Tina Mertens First Grade
Misty Douglas Second Grade
Barbara Kinsey Second Grade
Shannon Alyea Third Grade
Susan Sutter Third Grade Substitute
Cheryl Kula Fourth Grade
Mike Estergard Fifth Grade
Steven Sgourdos Sixth Grade
Maxine Hennessey Seventh Grade
Carrie Siedenburg Eighth Grade
Jason Bradberry Music/Technology
Elvia Garcia Spanish
Cheryl Brown Art
Donna Monat Library
Monica Thomas PE/health
Cindy Heesemann Food Director
Kathleen Klenk Food Services
Melanie Heesacker Breakfast Services Director
Barbara White Extended Day
Carol McCloud Extended Day
Lois Schmitt School Principal
Christine Champlin Exec assistant to Principal
Karen Kraljic School Secretary
Vicki Vinton Preschool Director
Rebekah Biermann Preschool Teacher
Julie Bishop Preschool Teacher
Jamie Hochanadel Junior Kindergarten Teacher
Andrea Nelson Junior Kindergarten Teacher
Rachel Campbell-Maher Kindergarten
Amy Woods Kindergarten
Sarah Smith Classroom Aide
Shannon Lotz First Grade
Tina Mertens First Grade
Misty Douglas Second Grade
Barbara Kinsey Second Grade
Shannon Alyea Third Grade
Susan Sutter Third Grade Substitute
Cheryl Kula Fourth Grade
Mike Estergard Fifth Grade
Steven Sgourdos Sixth Grade
Maxine Hennessey Seventh Grade
Carrie Siedenburg Eighth Grade
Jason Bradberry Music/Technology
Elvia Garcia Spanish
Cheryl Brown Art
Donna Monat Library
Monica Thomas PE/health
Cindy Heesemann Food Director
Kathleen Klenk Food Services
Melanie Heesacker Breakfast Services Director
Barbara White Extended Day
Carol McCloud Extended Day
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
School supplu list 2010-11
1- 4 oz Bottle white glue
1- 4 pack glue sticks
1-2 pocket folder
1- Package of #2 pencils
2- Packets of stickers for rewards
2- Boxes of Kleenex
1- Box of washable primary color markers
1- Box of 24 crayons
1- Watercolor paint set
1- Pair Fiskar safety scissors
1- Package colored pencils
1 twin sheet for rest time a sleep buddy that is small and soft please no toy action figures or barbies
1- 6qt clear storage box mom shoe size (4yr. old class only)
1- box of zip loc quart size
1-box of zip-loc gallon size
Clorox wipes
Change of clothes (please include panties and socks) LABEL ALL ITEMS!
Junior Kindergarten
Nap mat (please label nap mat with child’s name)
Twin size sheet for mat (please label child’s nap mat)
Full change of clothes (remember underwear and socks) to be kept in child’s bag or backpack
1 watercolor paint set
1 pad Recycled Newsprint Writing Tablet-Storybook 1”rule, ½” Mid Line, ½” skip space 81/2 X 11
1 pad Recycled Newsprint Writing Tablet-Non storybook 1” rule, ½” Mid Line, ½” skip space 81/2 X 11
2 boxes Kleenex
1 Bottle white glue & 8 glue sticks
2 packages of stickers
1 crayon/pencil box
1 pair Fiskar safety scissors
Paint shirt (an old button up is fine)
1 package #2 pencils & 1 package colored pencils
3 folders with 2 pockets in each, 1 red & 2 blue
1 box 24 crayons
1 box washable markers
1 box quart size zip lock bags& gallon zip lock bags
1 Backpack
(Please label the following :)
A flat folding mat- Pillow case to store mat
Old button down shirt (for painting)
1 pair fiskar type pointed scissors –NO PLASTIC
1 pencil bag –purchased at school
1 blue, plastic pocket folder
1 red, plastic pocket folder
Change of UNIFORM clothing including underwear –labeled
2 boxes 24 count Crayola crayons
* 2 bottles of Elmers glue -4oz
* 6 glue sticks
* 2 boxes of Crayola Washable markers
* 1 pkg of #2 pencils, sharpened
* One set of watercolor paints (with brush)
* 2 large boxes of Kleenex
* A-M Quart size zip lock bags
* N-Z Gallon size zip lock bags
* 2 Clorox wipes (safe for children)
* 2 reams of copy paper
*These items will be shared with the class
First Grade
*24 #2 Pencils sharpened
*2 bottles of Elmer’s school glue -4oz
*3 glue sticks
2 Large pink erasers
1 box of 24 crayons
Fiskar type pointed scissors –NO PLASTIC scissors
2 large boxes of Kleenex
3 plastic folders (1 blue,1 red,1 yellow)
2 Spiral notebooks –wide ruled
1 pencil bag –purchased at school
* 1 ream of copy paper
1 pkg of stickers for rewards
Clorox wipes
* These items will be shared with the class
* A-M Quart size zip lock bags
* N-Z Gallon size zip lock bags
Second Grade
1 pkg #2 Pencils sharpened
2 Large erasers
2 bottles of Elmer’s school glue -4oz
2 glue sticks
1 box of 24 crayons
Fiskar type pointed scissors
3 large boxes of Kleenex
2 folders -2 pocket
2 Spiral notebooks –wide ruled
1 pencil bag –purchased at school
1 box colored pencils sharpened
2 Red pencils for correcting –sharpened
1 assignment book purchased at school
1 ream of copy paper
Backpack to carry books to and from school
No magic markers
Clorox Wipes
Third Grade
1 pkg #2 Pencils sharpened
2 Large pink erasers
2 glue sticks
1 box of 24 crayons
Fiskar type pointed scissors
2 large boxes of Kleenex
2 Spiral notebooks –wide ruled
1 pkg wide lined loose leaf paper
1 pencil bag –purchased at school
1 Red pen for correcting
1 box of 12 colored pencils sharpened
1 box of 10 water color markers
1 highlighter
1 pkg of multiplication cards (for use at home)
1 assignment book purchased at school
1 ream of copy paper
2 red pens for correcting and 2 folders (1 for science and 1 for social studies)
Clorox wipes
***No trapper keepers or binders
Fourth Grade
*48 #2 Pencils sharpened
*1 pkg eraser tips
*2 glue sticks
*1 box of 24 crayons
*1 box of markers
*2 large boxes of Kleenex
*2 pkg wide lined loose leaf paper
*4 Red pens for correcting
*1 bottle of Elmer’s school glue -4oz
*Clorox wipes
*1 pkg loose leaf grid paper
1 Large pink eraser
Fiskar type pointed scissors
6 plain pocket folders –different colors
7 Spiral notebooks –wide ruled –different colors
1 pencil bag –purchased at school
1 box colored pencils sharpened
1 highlighter
1 - 6 pocket accordion file
2 spiral notebooks with grid paper
1 assignment book purchased at school
*1 ream of copy paper
* These items will be shared with the class
Fifth Grade
24 #2 Pencils sharpened-no mechanical
8 BLACK ball point pens
1 bottle of Elmer’s school glue -4oz
2 glue sticks
1 pkg eraser tops for pencils
2 large boxes of Kleenex
2pkgs wide ruled notebook paper
1 package Quadrille Graph paper
4 Red pens for correcting
1 Large pink eraser
Fiskar type scissors
1 2” binder
5 Spiral notebooks –different colors
1 composition book for science
1 blue pocket folder
1 pencil bag –purchased at school
1 box colored pencils sharpened
1 protractor
1 box markers- classic colors
1 highlighter
1 ruler -1 side metric
1 pkg 9 x 11 Envelopes
1 assignment book purchased at school
1 ream of copy paper
Sixth, Seventh, Eighth Grade
No sharpies *No gel pens*No white out* No erasable pens *
3 ring Binder or Trapper 2”
4 pkgs loose leaf paper (college rule 8th grade, wide ruled 6th & 7th grade)
8 spiral notebooks 80-100 pages
10 pocket folders
24 #2 pencils sharpened
16 ballpoint pens blue or black ink
6 red pens
Pkg asst highlighters
1pkg markers to donate to homeroom
Glue sticks
Fiskar scissors
Box of colored pencils sharpened
8 pkgs of 3X5 index cards
1 paperback dictionary suitable for grade level
1 pkg 9 x11 Envelopes (approx 10 envelopes)
1 flash drive
2 large boxes of Kleenex
1 assignment book purchased at school
1 ream of copy paper
Breakthrough Study Bible purchased at school
Sixth, Seventh, Eighth Grade By subject:
Graph Paper
Scientific calculator-8th grade only
Ruler – metric and standard
1 - 3-ring notebook (2” rings) and 1 set of 5 dividers
1 composition book for science
2” binder
red pen
1 - 3-ring view binder 1” (new students only)
Pencil pouch for notebook
3 2-pocket folders with brads
1 pkgs 3x3 post-it notes to donate
2 novels to be purchased later -tbd
3 spiral notebooks 80 – 100 pages
1 composition book
ART – all grades
#2 pencils to donate
Extended Day Families
Last name A-K
1 Wal-Mart scrip
1 box of freezer quart zip lock bags
2 pkgs #2 pencils
1 large box of Kleenex
Used dress up clothes
Last name L-Z
1 Wal-Mart scrip
1 box gallon zip lock bags
1 pkg of crayolla brand markers
1 large box of Kleenex
Used musical instruments/kid safe/easy wash
1- 4 oz Bottle white glue
1- 4 pack glue sticks
1-2 pocket folder
1- Package of #2 pencils
2- Packets of stickers for rewards
2- Boxes of Kleenex
1- Box of washable primary color markers
1- Box of 24 crayons
1- Watercolor paint set
1- Pair Fiskar safety scissors
1- Package colored pencils
1 twin sheet for rest time a sleep buddy that is small and soft please no toy action figures or barbies
1- 6qt clear storage box mom shoe size (4yr. old class only)
1- box of zip loc quart size
1-box of zip-loc gallon size
Clorox wipes
Change of clothes (please include panties and socks) LABEL ALL ITEMS!
Junior Kindergarten
Nap mat (please label nap mat with child’s name)
Twin size sheet for mat (please label child’s nap mat)
Full change of clothes (remember underwear and socks) to be kept in child’s bag or backpack
1 watercolor paint set
1 pad Recycled Newsprint Writing Tablet-Storybook 1”rule, ½” Mid Line, ½” skip space 81/2 X 11
1 pad Recycled Newsprint Writing Tablet-Non storybook 1” rule, ½” Mid Line, ½” skip space 81/2 X 11
2 boxes Kleenex
1 Bottle white glue & 8 glue sticks
2 packages of stickers
1 crayon/pencil box
1 pair Fiskar safety scissors
Paint shirt (an old button up is fine)
1 package #2 pencils & 1 package colored pencils
3 folders with 2 pockets in each, 1 red & 2 blue
1 box 24 crayons
1 box washable markers
1 box quart size zip lock bags& gallon zip lock bags
1 Backpack
(Please label the following :)
A flat folding mat- Pillow case to store mat
Old button down shirt (for painting)
1 pair fiskar type pointed scissors –NO PLASTIC
1 pencil bag –purchased at school
1 blue, plastic pocket folder
1 red, plastic pocket folder
Change of UNIFORM clothing including underwear –labeled
2 boxes 24 count Crayola crayons
* 2 bottles of Elmers glue -4oz
* 6 glue sticks
* 2 boxes of Crayola Washable markers
* 1 pkg of #2 pencils, sharpened
* One set of watercolor paints (with brush)
* 2 large boxes of Kleenex
* A-M Quart size zip lock bags
* N-Z Gallon size zip lock bags
* 2 Clorox wipes (safe for children)
* 2 reams of copy paper
*These items will be shared with the class
First Grade
*24 #2 Pencils sharpened
*2 bottles of Elmer’s school glue -4oz
*3 glue sticks
2 Large pink erasers
1 box of 24 crayons
Fiskar type pointed scissors –NO PLASTIC scissors
2 large boxes of Kleenex
3 plastic folders (1 blue,1 red,1 yellow)
2 Spiral notebooks –wide ruled
1 pencil bag –purchased at school
* 1 ream of copy paper
1 pkg of stickers for rewards
Clorox wipes
* These items will be shared with the class
* A-M Quart size zip lock bags
* N-Z Gallon size zip lock bags
Second Grade
1 pkg #2 Pencils sharpened
2 Large erasers
2 bottles of Elmer’s school glue -4oz
2 glue sticks
1 box of 24 crayons
Fiskar type pointed scissors
3 large boxes of Kleenex
2 folders -2 pocket
2 Spiral notebooks –wide ruled
1 pencil bag –purchased at school
1 box colored pencils sharpened
2 Red pencils for correcting –sharpened
1 assignment book purchased at school
1 ream of copy paper
Backpack to carry books to and from school
No magic markers
Clorox Wipes
Third Grade
1 pkg #2 Pencils sharpened
2 Large pink erasers
2 glue sticks
1 box of 24 crayons
Fiskar type pointed scissors
2 large boxes of Kleenex
2 Spiral notebooks –wide ruled
1 pkg wide lined loose leaf paper
1 pencil bag –purchased at school
1 Red pen for correcting
1 box of 12 colored pencils sharpened
1 box of 10 water color markers
1 highlighter
1 pkg of multiplication cards (for use at home)
1 assignment book purchased at school
1 ream of copy paper
2 red pens for correcting and 2 folders (1 for science and 1 for social studies)
Clorox wipes
***No trapper keepers or binders
Fourth Grade
*48 #2 Pencils sharpened
*1 pkg eraser tips
*2 glue sticks
*1 box of 24 crayons
*1 box of markers
*2 large boxes of Kleenex
*2 pkg wide lined loose leaf paper
*4 Red pens for correcting
*1 bottle of Elmer’s school glue -4oz
*Clorox wipes
*1 pkg loose leaf grid paper
1 Large pink eraser
Fiskar type pointed scissors
6 plain pocket folders –different colors
7 Spiral notebooks –wide ruled –different colors
1 pencil bag –purchased at school
1 box colored pencils sharpened
1 highlighter
1 - 6 pocket accordion file
2 spiral notebooks with grid paper
1 assignment book purchased at school
*1 ream of copy paper
* These items will be shared with the class
Fifth Grade
24 #2 Pencils sharpened-no mechanical
8 BLACK ball point pens
1 bottle of Elmer’s school glue -4oz
2 glue sticks
1 pkg eraser tops for pencils
2 large boxes of Kleenex
2pkgs wide ruled notebook paper
1 package Quadrille Graph paper
4 Red pens for correcting
1 Large pink eraser
Fiskar type scissors
1 2” binder
5 Spiral notebooks –different colors
1 composition book for science
1 blue pocket folder
1 pencil bag –purchased at school
1 box colored pencils sharpened
1 protractor
1 box markers- classic colors
1 highlighter
1 ruler -1 side metric
1 pkg 9 x 11 Envelopes
1 assignment book purchased at school
1 ream of copy paper
Sixth, Seventh, Eighth Grade
No sharpies *No gel pens*No white out* No erasable pens *
3 ring Binder or Trapper 2”
4 pkgs loose leaf paper (college rule 8th grade, wide ruled 6th & 7th grade)
8 spiral notebooks 80-100 pages
10 pocket folders
24 #2 pencils sharpened
16 ballpoint pens blue or black ink
6 red pens
Pkg asst highlighters
1pkg markers to donate to homeroom
Glue sticks
Fiskar scissors
Box of colored pencils sharpened
8 pkgs of 3X5 index cards
1 paperback dictionary suitable for grade level
1 pkg 9 x11 Envelopes (approx 10 envelopes)
1 flash drive
2 large boxes of Kleenex
1 assignment book purchased at school
1 ream of copy paper
Breakthrough Study Bible purchased at school
Sixth, Seventh, Eighth Grade By subject:
Graph Paper
Scientific calculator-8th grade only
Ruler – metric and standard
1 - 3-ring notebook (2” rings) and 1 set of 5 dividers
1 composition book for science
2” binder
red pen
1 - 3-ring view binder 1” (new students only)
Pencil pouch for notebook
3 2-pocket folders with brads
1 pkgs 3x3 post-it notes to donate
2 novels to be purchased later -tbd
3 spiral notebooks 80 – 100 pages
1 composition book
ART – all grades
#2 pencils to donate
Extended Day Families
Last name A-K
1 Wal-Mart scrip
1 box of freezer quart zip lock bags
2 pkgs #2 pencils
1 large box of Kleenex
Used dress up clothes
Last name L-Z
1 Wal-Mart scrip
1 box gallon zip lock bags
1 pkg of crayolla brand markers
1 large box of Kleenex
Used musical instruments/kid safe/easy wash
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